Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 18, no. 77, p. 1, col. 4-5
The Best People on Earth
Own Magic Muncie
A Day Replete With Fun and
Frolic and a Base Ball
Game – The Players.
Everything goes in Muncie today so cut loose and everybody have a good time. We will have as our guests no less than 400 citizens of that village known to fame as Anderson. But whose real name, if the Elks’ base ball games were to decide it, would be Mud. It is a fact that private person have been known to kill the fatted calf simply because one prodigal son, or maybe some one even more remote in the table than a son, returned to his home after years of wandering. With this fact in mind it should be remembered that, therefore, it is meet that Muncie today kill the fatted calf in honor of her guests, for while they may not come to stay always it should also be remembered that those who do not live in Muncie should do so, especially those who belong to the noble family of Elks, for Muncie is the Elks’ home.
The program for today is replete with many sterling attractions and no one, be he an Elk or simply,an ordinary human be in need lack for plenty of amusement, although it is dollars to doughnuts that the Elks have more fun than any one else. Their capacity for fun is more extensive, principally through steady training and cultivation, the field of their operations being mainly in the social sessions, such as will be one of the most striking features of the day and it is safe to say that the visitors will never forget the manner of their entrance into the best town on earth as extended by the best people on earth.
In addition to the program published in these columns yesterday morning, for the day’s entertainment the preparations include a grand street parade at about 2 o’clock, or just befdore the base ball game. In this parade many novel features will be seen for the Muncie boys have prepared for it carefully and if the Anderson players don their grotesque uniforms, such as they wore the day of the game at Anderson, they will be by far the most striking of all sights to be witnessed. Muncie may furnish a few surprises in this line for the boys are by no means slow in what they have been doing. The biggest end of the sport will be at the base ball game which will begin at 3 o’clock at Westside park. As has been stated in these columns the Muncie boys have strengthened their team, as has Anderson, and last evening occurred the last practice game of the home nine. It is surprising the game of ball they put up and Anderson must get a great big hustle on themselves if they would win. It is but a few hours now until the tale will be told and after that will come the contests with Indianapolis, out of which Muncie does not expect to come at the small end of the horn. The following is the list of players and batting order of the two teams, as it will appear on the on the score cards that will be distributed at the grounds:
Andersontown’s herd of nine Elks, captors of the booby prize at Anderson, July 16th, and now on exhibition for the second time in their great attempt to obtain possession of the penant that they may wear it on the longest of their antlers: W. T. Durbin, 2b; J. H. Millspaugh, p.; W. N. Norton, c.; Joe Hennings, 1b; C. N. Smith, lf; C. K. McCollough, s s; F. O. Almy, c f.; Ed Cassell, 3b; L. H. Gedge, r f. Substitutes, C.B. Kline, J.C. Fowler, C. M. Harriman and C. V. Erdman. Surgeons, Drs. Willson, Knealle, and Chittenden. Scorers, C. J. Kemery and A. M. Wellington. Managers, Joe Hennings, Capt. Fred Almy.
Muncietown’s group of nine selected Elks, captors of the first prize and Elkhide medal at Anderson, July 16, possessors of the championship medal for Elkian base ball players, who have consented to appear today in order to give the Anderson Elks a little needed exercise and practice in the science of twirling and holding the ball, running and stealing bases, etc.: Three Lung Abbott, s s; Madams Gonzaules de Holmes, p.; Iky Humphrey Insky, rf.; Humpty D. Patton, 2b.; Madam Worth Smith, 1b.; Farmer Budd Doble Spilker, cf, Dude Wysor, 3b; Trilby Georgia, lf; Seno Rita Schmeithe, c. Change pitcher, John Canady. Surgeons, Drs. Winans, Bowers and Searcy. Scorers, C. F. Shipley and Ralph Hemingray. Manager ob de gang, , Hizzoner J. Rus Smith.