Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 18, no. 64, p. 8, col. 4
Dancing Party In Honor of Miss
Woodworth and Edward Wilson.
A number of young people enjoyed an exceedingly pleasant evening at the home of Miss Nadine Wilson, 222 East Washington street, last evening, the event being a dancing party given in honor of Miss Woodworth of Buffalo, and Edward Wilson, whose 18th birthday occurred yesterday. The Misses Ethel and Charline Knapp and Kendall Everett acted as ushers. Miss Wilson was assisted by Mrs. Katharine Wilson, Mrs. George Ball, Mrs. Kendall and Mrs. Kate H. Wilson. The spacious parlors, library, dining and music rooms were cleared and the guests danced until the midnight hour arrived. The punch bowl was at the disposal of the guests and ices and cakes were also served. Among Miss Wilson's guests were: Miss Reese of Osborn, O.; Miss Brown of Oxford, O.; Misses Clara Gill, Sarah Kirby, Reba Richey, Abbie Keuchmann, Vida Cassady, Fannie Turner, Linnie Coffeen, Nina Thomas, Luella and Carroll Hemingray, Helen Hickman, Agnes Howe, Bertha Smith, Erna Eiler, and Messrs. Walter Ryan, Jay Lee Turner, Carl O'Hara, Herb Maddy, Will Myers, Edgar Johnson, Harry Cates, Walter Howe, Hasty Kimbrough, Harry Parsons, George Geltz, Ray Hickok, Bert Ream, Arthur Cassady, Walter Brown and Jess Carmichael.