Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 18, no. 47, p. 8, col. 1
Time For the Summer Vacation Is
Here and Fires Are Out.
The time of year has come when factories using furnaces draw their fires, give the men a needed vacation, make necessary repairs and get in shape for the work of the next season. Last evening the fires went out in the big Maring Hart plant, in Boyoston, and tomorrow, or after sirens day, the employes begin to leave on their summer vacation. The factory will be repaired and everything put in ship shape for the next fire, which will be lighted about Sept. 1.
This closing of factories is much like the process that a big ocean liner undergoes periodically. When in from a long cruise she is hauled upon the drydock, her bottom is scraped, she is painted, refitted and thoroughly cleaned, and when all this is done she goes out on the briny deep again for another long cruise; the men have had a ret and feel ready for their work, the ship is clean and fresh and in fine shape for the men and everything goes smoothly along.
So it is with the big factories, both iron and glass working. After a run of 10 months the fires are drawn, the places of the busy mechanics deserted, carpenters, furnace and mold builders and general repairers have possession of the works and the entire plant is thoroughly overhauled. Meantime the men who labored before the white-hot furnace during the fire are away resting, some at seaside resorts, some in quiet nooks hunting and fishing, some following the . . . [illegible text] . . . but, no matter where, they are having a good time and when they come back rested and refreshed and ready to work with vim and vigor, just as the sailor returns to his ship after a rest on shore.
All of the big concerns in Muncie, with one or two exceptions, will undergo this rejuvenating process beginning with this week or next. Maring-Hart’s is already shut down and Ball Bros, except in the stamping department, will follow suit probably next week. The Port Glass works and the Muncie factory will shut down the latter part of this week and the Indiana and Midland Steel works will close down within a few days. The knitting mills will run through the entire summer, in all probability, but the Nelson Glass works, C. H. Over’s and Hemingray’s will close down in a few days.