Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 17, no. 227, p. 5, col. 4
A Twenty Minutes' Session of the
Council Last Evening.
City Clerk Elrod was absent last night when Mayor Cromer called the council to order. Alderman Moreland was instructed to act in place of the clerk. Boyce and Haymond were absent.
The first business was the reading of the report of the library by the secretary of the board. It stated that 527 new books had been added to the library during the past year. There are now 9,451 volumes at the disposal of the citizens of Muncie. The report was accepted and placed on file.
The following bills were read and allowed:
Muncie Foundry & Machine Co. .....$15 68
Hemingray Glass Co...........................11 00
Hamilton & Sydes................................ 6 25
Frank Thompson.................................. 6 40
Pay roll (street cleaning).....................15 80
Street Commissioner's pay roll...........20 38
W. A. Baker.......................................... 5 50
Wysor & Hibbitts................................. 6 20
Chief Shepp stated that a large elm tree on the Burlington pike, between the city and the water works station, had caused him considerable trouble for the past two years. The limbs fall and break the fire and telephone wires there, cutting off connection. The matter was referred to the fire committee.