Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 17, no. 211, p. 1, col. 3
Pretty Part of the Kindergarten
Organization Over and Practical
Work Commenced at the Meeting
Held Yesterday at the
Presbyterian Church — Committees
As Mrs. President Richey very aptly said yesterday afternoon at the meeting held in the Presbyterian church, the pretty part of the organization for establishing free kindergartens in this city is over and it is, from now on, practical work if the desired end is to be attained.
Bad weather interfered with the attendance at the meeting yesterday afternoon, but those who were there went to work and took their enthusiasm with them. The officers elected last Monday afternoon officiated and the secretary read the minutes of the last meeting after Mrs. Richey had rapped for order.
The names of the persons selected to serve on the various committees were then reported as follows:
Finance — T. F, Rose, A, L. Johnson, W. R, Snyder, Geo. O. Cromwell, W. E. Hitchcock, Mrs. Arrabella Winans and Miss Jennie Neely.
Executive — Mesdames Arthur Smith, Robert Branch, Robert Hemingray. Messrs. F. O. Grannis, H. M. Winans and J. C. Johnson.
Children — Mesdames Will Marsh, Thad Neely, J. R. Sprankle, S. C. Cowan, Jerome Galliher and C. H. Anthony.
Church — Mesdames Long, King, Bowman, Cromwell, Slinger, Hart, Gray, Boyer, Johnson, Cates, Ramsey, Berger and Bard.
Press — Messrs. Herb Maddy, Robert Williamson and a representative of the News.
Upon these various committees will devolve the principal work of putting into operation these institutions which are at once beneficial to home, parents, child, community and future generations.
To the Finance committee is delegated perhaps the hardest work of all. Upon them will fall the task of providing means for the work to be done. Upon a motion made yesterday afternoon by Mrs. M. L. Hagemon, who has canvassed the subject, it was decided that it was the sense of the meeting that the sum of $2,500 would be needed for the work proposed.
Much talk in regard to the work was indulged in and all seemed to have faith in Muncie to take her stand in the ranks with the foremost cities of the country in the matter of this important feature in our educational facilities.
What Muncie undertakes she does and this will prove no exception. With some of our leading citizens as promoters and the entire community in hearty sympathy it will be no difficult matter to make it a success especially when the simple manner of raising funds is considered. This was left to the judgment of the finance committee but it was recommended that upon payment of annual dues of one dollar with the approval of the executive any person may be admitted to membership.
Certainly in this city of 22,000 population, where the children of the poorer classes are actually suffering because of the absence of these kindergartens, the sum of $2,500 should be raised almost without an effort.
The church committee, consisting of one member from each church, will devote itself to arousing interest in the movement among the various organizations, while the press committee was appointed as a means of keeping the public informed and arousing enthusiasm in the columns of the daily papers.
The childrens' committee is to go into the homes of the people who will be most benefitted, find the children, look after them and the kindergartens.
The machinery of the organization has been set in motion, letters are on their way to engage a competent kindergartener and if the faith in their own prowess, their confidence in a supporting public and if their enthusiasm can be taken as a criterion the noble women, who have stepped to the front, filled with a purpose of supplying this great need, will have a Free Kindergarten in operation before the close of the next month and once started they will never allow it to fail.
The next meeting will be held at the Presbyterian church on Wednesday, Jan. 9th, at 3:30 p. m., and all who can do so are earnestly requested to attend.