Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 17, no. 126, p. 5, col. 4
Says the Local Correspondent of the
Commoner and Glauworker
Muncie, Ind., Sept. 17 — Since my last letter to you there have been many new phases in the glass trade, Maring, Hart & Co. have started up in full. C. H. Over is also running to their utmost capacity, turning out a good quality of glass. Hemingray is running about the same as usual with bright prospects ahead. Humphries' west end flint house is also in full operation, principally on prescription ware. Ball Bros have started two of their large tanks on Mason fruit jars, working three men in a shop (a new departure here) and the men all seem to like it first rate -nit. Sore hands and jaws seem to be in order at that works. The pressers expect to resume next Monday at their old scale of prices, previous to last season.
Bro. E. K. Gilroy is working, starting in today.
Charlie Beasler, the vice president of the Gimlet club, is entertaining a young lady at his house. Charlie is much attached to her, being the first girl.
The situation at the Nelson and Port factories remain about the same, and information as to their probable resumption is difficult to obtain, no one seeming to know anything about it. — I. MCCORKER in Commoner and Glass Works.