Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 17, no. 10, p. 5, col. 2
He Can Write as Well as He Can
Blow Glass.
The Muncie Correspondent of
the Commoner and Glassworker
Gives Some Interesting
Facts Concerning the
Trade in This City.
The Muncie correspondent of the Commoner and Glassworker, that interesting publication devoted to the glass trade, is evidently a clever sort of a fellow. If he blows glass as well as he writes he will never lose his job. In his last letter he writes thus of the glass trade in Muncie:
The green glass situation here is unchanged since my last writing, and the business seems to be very dull. Ball Bros, are operating their two tanks and shipping quite a number of fruit jars; but there are rumors, and which it is hoped may only be rumors, that they contemplate shutting down one of their furnaces soon. This tank is considerably eaten away, and this fact seems to give some color to the report. They now have two furnaces idle, an 8 pot and a 12-pot furnace.
The Port Glass Co. will not resume again this blast, as they feel that their stocks are as large as they care to carry, and they will be pleased if they are enabled to dispose of them during the jar season.
The Nelson Glass Co , contrary to expectations, did not resume operations at the expiration of the two weeks. They say that the situation is unchanged in their business, and that while they have not an excessively large stock, yet they do not care to increase it any until the outlook is a little more encouraging. The blowers here have had but very little work this season, and if there should be no resumption during the remainder of the blast the prospect is anything but encouraging to them.
The window factories, both at Overs' and Maring, Hart & Co's, are running to their full capacity, and expect to continue until the end of the blast. There has been a very healthy improvement in the window business in the past few weeks. There is not likely to be a very large accumulation of stocks, as there is a very large shortage reported at present. It is the expressed intention of the manufacturers to simply supply the demand, and there will be no small stocks reported at the close of the season.
The Muncie Glass Co. (flint) are running up to their full capacity and report orders plentiful. They will continue until the usual shut down. The Hemingray Glass Co. find business in their specialties only moderate, and the future not very encouraging. They will probably continue until the usual shut-down.