Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
Runs Hide By the Fire Department Last
Fire Chief Shepp’s Report
For A. D. 1893.
Actual Losses By Fire Amounted
to $19,942.69 --- Complete
Record of Last Year’s Work.
Following is the second annual report of Fire Chief Shepp, filed with the city clerk last night. The first figures give the date, the next the alarm and where turned in; the next, the owner of the property; the next, the location; the next, the loss and last the insurance.
MUNCIE, IND., Jan 1. 1894.
To the Honorable Mayor and Common Council of the City of Muncie, Ind.:
Gentlemen: — I herewith submit my annual report for the fiscal year ending December 31, 1893, being the second annual report that I have had the pleasure of submitting to your honorable body. This report will be found to contain the number of fires and runs during the year of 1893, and of the property owned by the city of Muncie, Ind., on the first day of January, 1894, all of which I hope will prove interesting to your honorable body.
13, box 64, Hemingray Glass Co., Merryweather avenue, no fire.
17, box 64, Hemingray Glass Co., Merryweather avenue, loss $3.
23, box 61 64, Hemingray's barn, Merryweather avenue, loss $100.