Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 16, no. 207, p. 1, col. 4
The Local Four Hundred is Handsomely
Cotillion at the Anthony Last
Evening Given by Several
Popular Young Gentlemen
A Very Enjoyable Event.
The local four hundred was royally entertained last evening by several of the younger representative members of society. The event was a cotillion at the Anthony, and it was one of those happy social affairs which is heartily enjoyed by everybody present.
The young men who officiated as hosts for the occasion were Messers. Payton R. Janney, Ed Ball, Frank Ball, M. J. Maring, H. E. Bowies, O. F. Raymond, John Love, E. S. Plumb, R. J. Beatty, Ralph Aldridge, B. F. Bradbury, George Ball, Harry Streeter, E. F. Tyler and J. O. Adams. They took this method of reminding their friends, at the close of the year, that they have not forgotten the favors they have received in a social way, and it certainly proved to be a pleasant method of settling debts to society. There were 17 numbers on the dance list, and several extras were also enjoyed.
The young men made their guests welcome and helped them to enjoy themselves. DeVinnie’s Indianapolis orchestra furnished the music. The hall was tastily decorated for the occasion.
The ladies were all attired in lovely costumes, many of them, in fact, being “dreams in silks and satins.”
Among those present were Messrs. And Mesdames W. B. Thomas of Anderson; Will Kirby, Thomas Kirby, E. M. White, E. F. Tyler, Vol Gilbert, William Patterson, Geo. O. Cromwell, Well Youse, Rob Winters, Ed Moore, Robert Hemingray, Arthur Helm, B. C. Thrall, Wm. Delhey, Geo. Ball, Wm. Stewart, Chas Beemer.
Misses Josephine Gray and Martha Chittenden, of Anderson, Miss MacDowell, of Portsmouth, Ohio; Miss Kreider, of Jacksonville, Ill.; Miss Hegler, of Washington C. H., Ohio; Miss Howell, of Springfield, O.; Miss Cassidy, of Cincinnati; Miss Kirby of Cincinnati; Misses – Louise Kirby, Edna Streeter, Grace Keiser, Suzette Kirby, Bertha Smith, Nellie Wilson, Blanche Shipley, Mabel Keushman, Emma Love, Nannie Love, Edith Love, Fannie Shipley, Hattie McCulloch, Sarah McCulloch, Sarah Henshon, Clara Gill, Clara Koons, Bessie Ellis, Hattie Johnson, Jean Smith, Pearl Bailey, Alice Hamilton, Fannie Turner, Madge Walling, Nettie Gass.
Messrs. J. G. McIlwraith, and C.W. Hooven, of Anderson, -- Kreider, J. George Metz, Chas. Durham, Frank Gass, Bert Ream, Cecil Mallen, Jay Turner, Harry Bailey, Chas. Bell. S. Herbert Maddy, Richard Shick, Edward Wilson, Carl Drake, Edgar Williams, Ed. Maddy, Hal Kimbrough, Will Myers and J. Edgar Johnson.