Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 16, no. 204, p. 1, col. 4
Morris Wolff Entertains His
Young Friends.
One of the prettiest social events — in young society — or the season, was the hop given by Morris Wolff to his young friends in Anthony hall last evening.
The guests were received by Master Wolff’s mother, assisted by Misses Alice and Lillie Shonfield, and at 8:30 the dance began. The grand march was quite a novel one and was led by the young host and Miss Etna Hurl. Miss Maude Young acted as floor manager, many of the young folks being her pupils in dancing. The ball room presented a beautiful appearance. The young folks spent one of the most enjoyable evenings of their lives. At 11 o'clock an appetizing spread served, and at a late hour the party broke up. Among the older ones who looked while the young folks danced were Mr. and Mrs. R. S. Gregory, Mrs. Hursh, of Hamilton, O.,and others. The guests were Misses Reba Koons, Clara Yingling, Georgia Ritter, Florence Gregory, Mollie Van Buskirk, Etna Hurl, Huda Smith, Grace Johnson, Agnes Howe, Sarah Kirby, Allie Snell, Cliff Bowers, Linnie Coffeen, Fern Mitchell, Louise Maddy, Maud Goodlander, Julia Shonfield, Erna Eiler, Helen Hickman, Lillie Shaufelberger, Hattie and Rosaline Stein, Lillie Shonfield.
Messrs. George and Frank Burt, Walter Gregory, Lawrence Herrman, Penia Smith, Max Bishop, Dan Cohen, Bob Hemingray, Ray Johnson, Hardy Kimbrough, Walter Home, John Kirby, Henry Gill, Hermann Bowles, Roy Whitney, Dillard Drake, Carl Wilcoxon, Arthur Johnson, Julius Kirby, Charley Griesheimer and Fred Ritter.