Publication: The Muncie News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 15, no. 205, p. 1, col. 4-5
The Kirby the Scene of an Elegant
Affair Last Evening.
Parlors Reception Room, Corridors
and Banquet Hall
The National Colors Prevailed
in the Decorating. — The
Success of the Affair
Reflects Great Credit Upon
the Executive Committee.
Last evening at the Kirby, under the auspices of the Ladies World’s Fair Society, a most elegant reception and ball was given for the benefit of the Indiana building at the great exposition.
The social and financial success reflects greet credit upon the executive committee, who have labored earnestly to make the evening one which all would remember.
The dancing hall and dinning room were tastefully and handsomely decorated with the national colors, draped in a most appropriate manner
The guests commenced to arrive early, and it was undoubtedly the most sociable and pleasing gathering of the season. The parlors, corridors and reception rooms were thronged with handsomely costumed ladies and happy, smilling [sic] smiling gentlemen.
Each guest was presented with a pretty souvenir of the national colors.
The grand march, at 9:30, was lead by Mr. T. K. Heinsohn and Miss Joy Conner. Hart Bros., of Indianapolis, furnished the music, and to a late hour they gave forth sweet strains to which the gay gathering danced and enjoyed themselves.
The executive committee to which the guests were indebted for their joyous evening, and the World’s Fair building committee are indebted for the success of the affair are Mrs. J. A. Heinsohn, President; Mrs. Louise Cassady, Secretary; Mesdames H. K. Wysor, R. C. Hemingray, T. F. Rose, H. M. Johnston, W. R. Moore and Miss Lizzie Willard.
During the evening refreshments were served. They were prepared by the ladies in charge, and for their excellence too much can not be said by the patrons. The menu was as follows:
Oyster Patties. Chicken Salad.
Bread and Butter Sandwiches.
Pickles and Olives.
Ice Cream and Cake. Coffee
The guests of the evening were as follows:
Mr. and Mrs. A. E. Buchanan, D. V. Bower, George W. Spilker, J. W. Perkins, W. L. Little, J. E. Haffner, T. F. Rose, C. L. Bender, R. C. Griffith, W. W. Kirby, Lon M. Neely, G. Campbell Janney, H. H. Highlands, George A. Gondy, J. A. Meeks, M. E. Vandercoat, J. A. Heinshon, A. E. Whitney, Charles W. Kilgore, J. D. Payne, C. H. Anthony, George M. Bard, C. M. Kimbrough, A. A. Wilkinson, R. C. Hemingray, T. S. Neely, Rev. T. O. Grannis, G. E. Andrews, G. F. McCulloch, J. L. Streeter, H. R. Wysor, C. G. Neely, A. J. Williams, David Cammack, O. W. Vatet, S. C. Cowan, F. W. Heath, W. S. Richey, of Chicago; J. A. Wicks, J. S. Moore, William, McNerney, George O. Cromwell, and W. H. Holliday, of Columbus. Misses Bessie Brady, Mattie Chittenden, of Anderson; Josie Gray, Dot Lindsey, of Cleveland: Winifred Brady, Marne Gallahue, of Indianapolis; Carrie S. Thompson, Maude Neely, Mildred Ryan, Mae Heath, Grace Keiser, Louise Kirby, Alta Stiffler, Lillian Smith, Georgette Kemper, Minnie Rodman, Bertha Smith, Marion Kirby, Lois Love, Edna Streeter, Grace Riley, Hattie Johnson, Nellie Wilson, Mildred Helfon, of Indianapolis; Emma Lou Love. Winifred Smith, Mame Swazey, Mame Sprankle, Mallie Maddy, Miss Shidler, of Indianpolis [sic] Indianapolis; Alice Hamilton, Miss Elizabeth Hughes, of Hamilton; Suze Little, Maud Kilgore, of Anderson; Carrie McCulloch, Mame Gallahue, Indianapolis; Belle Thomas, Miss Shruggs, Mable Hagadorn, Mame Brotherton, Frankie Soule, of Toronto; Bessie Ellis, Minnie McKillip, Josie Conner, of Cincinnati.
Messrs. F. C. Ball, J, O. Adams, O. W. Crabbs, Robert Mansfield, Arthur Brady, T. L. Ryan, W. J. Kinser, A. M. Wagner, George Keiser, of Milwaukee, Ed Maddy, Ed Moore, A. M. Wagner, of Hamilton; L. A. Franklin, J. M. Maring, Hal Kimbrough, Henry Leon, F. F. Hodge, O F. Raymond, E. D. Ball, Carl Drake, Ed Boyce, Frank Leadbetter, Deo Banta, Frank DePoy, H. M. Streeter, W. A. Sampson, G. V. Tobe, Edgar Shick, Western B. Thomas, of Anderson; W. P. Huster, C. H. Chase, of Elkhart; R. A. Sheffield, A. E. Abel, R. S. Aldrich, Kirshbaum of Philadelphia, Herbert Maddy, Tip Kirby, of Cincinnati; T. K. Heinsohn.
Mesdames M. James, R. Lillard, of Parris, Ill., Ralph Hemingray, H. W. Johnson, Louise Cassady, Dr. York, and Thomas Morgan.