Publication: The Muncie News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 15, no. 190, p. 1, col. 2
The Columbia Reception
A Worthy Cause Supported by
Our Leading Citizens.
The Colombian Reception, to be given at the Kirby, Thursday, Dec. 29th, has the support of our leading citizens. The proceeds go to the Indiana exhibit at the World's Fair.
The committee of arrangements is composed of Mrs. J. A, Heinsohn, president; Mrs. Louise Cassady, secretary; Executive Committee, Mesdames H. R. Wysor, R. C. Hemingray, T. F. Rose, H. M. Johnson, W. R. Moore and Miss Lizzie Willard.
T F Rose J F Wildman
Geo F McCulloch Edward Olcott
W M Patterson F D Wachtel
C A Spilker C F W Neely
Ed Maddy J W Perkins
T F Hart E Tyler
Lewis Over Tom Kirby
C M Kimbrough Kirby Heinsohn
R S Gregory W J Hilligoss
C M Turner Dr Garner
J V Gilbert FB Ball
Fred W Heath W D Kutz
C N Wilcoxon Homer Bowles
A L Johnson John Love
David Cammack Weston Thomas
Will Kirby W L Little
W A Sampson Will Youse
Arthur Brady Geo Spilker
J R Sprankle Harry Streeter
Will Marsh J O Adams
R C Hemingray Harry Wysor
Mrs. J H Smith Mrs J L Streeter
" Arthur Meeks " A E Smith
" C L Bender " Frank Claypool
" W M Marsh " O A Johnson
" T A Neely " Web Richey
" A L Johnson " J A Heinsohn
" Dr Garner " C G Neely
" W L Little " Miss Nannie Love
" G F McCulloch " Jeannette Love
" Edward Olcott " Bessie Brady
" C A Spilker " Mildred Ryan
" Geo Spilker " Fannie Shipley
" J W Perkins " Etta Kemper
" E Tyler " Mallie Maddy
" Will Kirby " Edna Streeter
" H H Highlands " Nellie Wilson
" S C Cowan " Bessie Williams
" Lewis Over " Mayne Brotherton
" T F Hart " Carrie McColloch
" H M Winans " Susie Little