Munice Morning News had special 20 page edition on city's industries


Publication: The Muncie News

Muncie, IN, United States

As Others See Us.

The commoner and Glassworker, of Pittsburg, Pa., the reliable glass and trades journal, remarks editorially in its Saturday edition:

The Morning News, of Muncie, Indiana, came out with a 20 page special edition which the. . . [illegible text] . . . and varied industries of that progressive town were minutely described. The glass houses of that place came in for a large share of attention. Muncie is certainly a wonderful place, remarkable for the rapid and . . . [illegible text] . . . growth and the News showed characteristic enterprise in its special edition.


Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Roger Lucas / Bob Stahr
Date completed:March 11, 2014 by: Deb Reed Fowler;