Publication: The Muncie News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 15, no. 173, p. 1, col. 4
The Lake Erie People Say They Mean
to Do Right, But
A Meeting of The City Council
That Had Some Very
Amusing Features, But
Very Little Business.
The city council put in two hours last evening, but did very little business.
The ghost of the McKinley alley appeared in the form of a petition for it to be straightened and improved. It was signed by many property holders and referred to a special committee composed of Lyman, Johnson and Porter.
The petition of Heat, Light & Power Company for certain privileges was referred to the judiciary committee.
Street Commissioner Mason reported collecting $191.50 from gas and water Companies and the street railway compan [sic] company for repairing streets for them and paid same over to the clerk.
An ordinance was read and passed providing for the issuance of $4000 bonds to pay for sewers constructed during the past year.
General Manager Bradbury, by their attorney. Mr. Foot and by Chief Engineer Perry, asked that the council do not compel the Ft. W. C. & L. Railroad to lower their track to the streets at the Macedonia and Ohmer avenue crossings. Mr. Gregory, as their attorney, pictured the great calamity it would cause to all the factories, how they would be unable to load and unload their wares, that operating of that part of their road would be almost impossible if the grade was lowered to the street grade. He also read a petition from Ball Bros., and Hemingray Bros., asking that no change be made in the railway grades as it would effect them. Engineer Perry, with a pretty little map, talked a while explaining the calamity that this change would bring about. He showed the grade and commenced to explain when Engineer Woods discovered an error of two feet in his plans and that upset all the arguments made by the railroad officials.
Mr. Foot explained that the railroad desired to be fair, which caused a smile among the fathers, as they had done business with them before, and the entire matter was referred without discussion.
Engineer Woods explained that the old officials of the. Ft. Wayne road, Gen. Mgr. Worthington and Engineer Wagner, had agreed to the grade in use at the present time. All these matters were discussed then, and Engineer Woods pronounced the great howl as all bosh. He said that four years had been wasted in the matter and it was now time for something to be done us the highways were almost impassible and it is now necessary to do something before winter.
Mr. Gregory again took the floor and explained what he trouble would be if it was some other way, and then talked some more about the expense to the railroad and how they wanted to do the fair thing.
The city marshal was instructed to remove the dirt from in front of his building on Mulberry street.
The council then adjourned.