Publication: The Muncie News
Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 15, no. 107, p. 1, col. 2-3
Thousands of Workingmen Enjoy a Day
Of Rest,
And With Various Amusements They
Enjoy Themselves.
And Business Men’s Display Largest
Ever In the City.
Eloquent Addresses and Exciting
Races at the Grounds.
The Day of Labor Was a Grand
Success and Shows the
Muncie Unions United for
Their Good Cause. — The
Result Highly Pleasing to
the Muncie Trades Council.
All work and no play
Make's Jack a dull boy.
The Labor Day celebration of ’92 in Muncie was a grand success and every local union, its officers and members, and especially the Muncie Trades Council, are justly proud of the result.
The little sprinkle of rain, in the morning only made the day more pleasant and laid the dust to make the streets and grounds more inviting.
At 9 o’clock in the morning the Unions commenced to assemble on the streets; bands, drum corps and little parades were on every street.
The business houses were all decorated with the national colors, and the streets looked pretty and inviting.
The parade formed in divisions, with rights resting on High street, and promptly at 10 o’clock they started over the line of march along Walnut, Jackson, Main and High streets to the Fair grounds, in the following order:
C. E. Keelor — Grand Marshal.
Sam Springer — Assistant Grand Marshal.
Jas. Conlin — Marshal 1st Division.
C. E. Van Tress — Marshal 2nd Division.
Geo. Carpenter — Marshal 3rd Division.
Wm. Richey — Marshal 4th Division.
Advance Guard of Bicycle Riders.
Muncie Fire Department.
Chief Shepp, Asst. Chief Carmichael,
hose wagon, chemical, hook and
ladder dept, hose reel and
City Police.
Special Police.
Mayor, City Council and Speakers of
the day in carriages.
Ivin Pershing, feed store
Meeks & Sons ambulance.
A. F. G. W. Union.
Hoosier Lodge A. A. I. & S. W.
Chesterfield Band.
Retail Clerks' Union.
Typographical Union.
Harpoon Throwers League, No. 21.
Morning News employees.
Daily Herald employees.
Bakers' Union.
Barbers' Union, No. 30.
Int. Cigar Makers' Union, No. 308.
Tailors' Union, No. 90.
I. T. of M. No. 306.
Plumbers', Steam and Gas Fitters'
Union; Wood Workers', Machinists',
Iron Moulders' and
Blacksmiths' Unions.
Democratic Drum Corps.
Carpenters and Joiners Union, No.
Plasters' Union, No. 83.
Decorators Union, No. 12.
Bricklayers & Stonemasons Union
No. 9.
Building Laborers Union, No. 3.
Yorktown Band.
A. A. of I. & S. W.
Hoosier Lodge.
Roubado "
Muncie "
Midland "
White River "
Nail Mill Drum Corps.
McKinley Drum Corps.
Flint Glass Workers No. 23.
" " " No. 91.
Green Glass Workers, No. 12.
Pressers' League U.S.
Window Glass Workers
Republican Drum Corps.
Teamsters' Union, No. 5766.
Daily Times display.
James T. Wise, grocer.
Muncie Steam Laundry.
W. W. Wally, gas well driller.
Architectural Iron Works employees, with relics of fire, headed with banner, "burned out, but not scared out."
J. A. Gunning, hay baler.
Smith & Fox, Shoe dealers & mfgrs.
Muncie House furnishing company.
Ed E. Hockett, grocer.
T. F. Kirby, plumbing.
S. M, Griffith, pump.
R. C. Griffith, real estate and agent
for Heekin park.
C. A. Cropper, grocer.
M. G. Mock, stoves, etc.
Winters' Shoe & Clothing store.
London Clothing store.
George Banta, transfer wagons.
C. W. Randall, meat market.
Pearson Perry, bed spring factory.
Williamson's floor exchange.
New York Store display.
New Era steam laundry.
Birt Bradbury, the hatter.
E. Witt, buck creek mill.
Goodlander's Gallery.
It was estimated that there were fully three thousand men in line, which with the displays of business men and the unions, made the parade over three miles in length, the largest turn out of union men, and representatives of organized labor ever gathered in Western Indiana.
Visiting union men were taken in charge by the local labor organizations and made welcome to all the pleasures of the day.
Representatives of the Amalgamation association were present from Anderson, Elwood, Hartford City and other surrounding towns.