Muncie Elks Lodge established. RC Hemingray charter member


Publication: The Muncie News

Muncie, IN, United States

B. P. O. E.

Muncie Lodge No 245 Instituted Last Evening.

A Grand Time Enjoyed by the Visiting Elks and Their Entertainers.

Muncie Lodge No. 45, B.P.O.E. was instituted last evening in this city, and the large list of members, and such excellent fellows at that, is sufficient to make it an assured success in all the future.

The member of the new lodge met in the K. of P. hall at 2 o’clock yesterday afternoon and elected the following officers.

Eli Hoover, Exalted Ruler, H. J. Keller, Est. Lead Knight J. T. Walterhouse, Est. Loyal Knight, J. T. Bants, Est. Lecturing Knight, T. K. Heinsohn, Secretary, W. M. Marsh, Treasurer, Jos. Sawyer, Tyler, H. March, Inner Guard, Will Youse, Esquire, Frank Ellis, Chaplain, J. R. Sprankle, Vernon Davis and C. H. Anthony, Trustees.

During the morning and afternoon the visitors arrived, and our boys tried to give them a royal good time such only as an Elk can participate in.

The visitors were as follows:

From Anderson C K McCullough, W R Myers, C B Gerard, Dr. Hodges, Joe Hennings, Charles Eardmann, Gene Brickley, Jack Griffith, R H. Cokefair, Lee Goe, Billy Wright, Elmer Nichol, Fred Bradbury, Ed Chittenden, Will Kinser, Charles Cline, Howell Gedge, Western Thomas, F O Climer, Ben Bing, Nobby Heineman, S. Canby Willson, Charles Branch, Joseph Milspaugh, F. K. Crane, Harry Brelsford, R P Grimes, H. E. Jones, and from Indianapolis Albert Gall and Joseph F Fanning.

Early in the afternoon the work of giving the new members their “horns” was commenced, District Deputy C. K. McCullough, of Anderson, officiating, and Grand Secretary Allen O. Myers, of Cincinnati, assisting.

During the afternoon and evening the following became members of the new order:

H J Keller.

J Rus Smith.

J A Shumack.

J R Sprankle.

S P Baldus

J. T. Walterhouse

J H Blackman

A E Kelly

Harry March

C F W Neely

C Woodruff

J K Ritter

W M Marsh

C A Spilker

T K Heinsohn

Vernon Davis

Will R Youse

G W Cromer

Quince Walling

H C Klein

Dr. H M Winans

A J Williams

Frank Ellis

Geo R Edgely

R C Hemingray

Chas A Winters

Joe O Sawyer

Cris Heckenhouer

C F Bartlett

Ernest Moffitt

Bert Bradbury

C O Fox

John Hall

C E Shipley

C H Anthony

Harry R Wysor

W F Maggs

E D Bishop

At 12 o’clock sharp all met around the festal board at the National hotel where was spread a grand and sumptuous banquet. The choicest of the land was there and in abundance. The Elks enjoyed themselves to the fullness therefore and were then loth to quit. It was a feast fit for only the finest, the bests – that is the Elks.

The new lodge starts out finely. They will fit up quarters and be then at home ot themselves and their brothers that come to our city. We bespeak for them prosperity.


Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Roger Lucas / Bob Stahr
Date completed:March 11, 2014 by: Deb Reed Fowler;