Publication: The Muncie News
Muncie, IN, United States
A Few Squibs Gathered Here and There Among the Industries. The Nelson glass works will resume operation on the first Monday in September.
Ball Brothers new office will be an elegant structure when completed. The architecture when completed. The architecture is something superb and the workmanship speaks well of the mechanics.
While a great deal is not said about the Gill glass pot factory yet that institution is going right along and turning out a superior grade of glass pots. It is a good industry.
The frame work for one of the buildings to accommodate the nut and bolt department of the Indiana Iron works, is now up. The other three buildings will soon follow, the ground being now prepared for them.
Although the plant of the Hemingrays does not look exactly natural there is a resemblance to the destroyed factory. The blowers are toiling away as is also the other workmen and everything is beginning to assume its wanton stir.
The proprietors of the Midland Steel plant are anxiously looking forward to the time when they can hear the hum of machinery in their mill. A large number of the employees have arrived in the city ready to go to work when the start is made.
One thing there is in this city that would convence the most skeptical of our citizens that Muncie is growing that is to watch the lumber yards and wagons. Every dealer in the city has all that he can do. Houses by the score can be noticed on every side.
There is an awful quiet resting around the Ball Bros. There is no sound save the trowel manipulated by the masons in their construction of the office. The ditchers are digging trenches for the water works service pipes to the factories and the machinists are buisily [sic] busily engaged in repairing the disabled machinery in the stamp mill.