Publication: The Louisville Daily Courier
Louisville, KY, United States
vol. 20, no. 16, p. 3, col. 2
At a special meeting of the Rescue Fire Company, No. 9, on the 20th of July, 1854, Jos. R. Pickering, Geo. W. Kinney, Benj. Pulford, John Tammage and Dan‘l O’Connell, having been appointed a committee to draft resolutions, &c., reported the following, which were unanimously adopted by the company:
Resolved, That we tender our sincere thanks to Capt. Charles David, and his gentlemanly clerk, Mr. Charles Glazier, for their courtesy in tendering us so freely the privileges of their boat for a pleasure excursion from this city to the city of Covington; and also for their exertions in rendering the trip one of so much general hilarity, social good feeling, and mirth, that we cheerfully recommend the David White as the boat on which all pleasure-seekers can have an excursion in true Kentucky style.
Resolved, That we feel indebted to the Covington Franklin Fire Company for their special invitation, and to the firemen of Covington and Newport, and the citizens thereof generally, for the generous hospitality with which they received and entertained us, and the numberless presents with which they loaded us down at our departure, and especially the flag presented by the Franklin Company.
Resolved, That we tender polite regards to the ladies of Covington and Newport, particularly Mrs. Martin, Miss Dye, Miss Weaver, Miss Clatter, Miss Bell and others, for the beautiful and tastefully woven garlands presented by them to the members of the Rescue Fire Company.
Resolved, That the committee of arrangements, B. B. Weidlcr, A. Martin, A. H. Herod, A. B. Laird, Sam’l K. Hays, and J. Blundell, of Cincinnati, Mr. Allen, of Newport, and Win. D. McKean, and the other officers, deserve particular credit for their efficiency and success in planning and carrying out so skilfully [sic] skillfully the arrangements and procession for the day; and so does our worthy host, Sam’l Sanderson, of the Madison House, Covington, for his politeness and attention to his guests.
Resolved, That Capt. Arbogasts celebrated band proved worthy of themselves, and won new honors by their splendid and superior music during the excursion.
Resolved, That our warmest thanks are due to R. B. Carpenter, Esq., of Covington, and Alfred G. Otis, Esq., of this city, for the able, high-toned and eloquent addresses delivered by them at Covington, with such happy effect to the assembled fire companies of Covington, Newport, Cincinnati, and Louisville.
Resolved, That the thanks of all the companies are justly due Miss Baily, of Newport, for her attendance: and that her appearance, so tastefully decorated as the “Goddess of Liberty," added much to the beauty and attractions of the procession. And that we also feel obliged to Anthony Gray, of the Covington Glass Works, for his beautiful glass trumpet presented to our company -- and to Capt. Justus and his company, of Newport, for the hand-some flag presented to us by them.
Resolved, That a copy of these resolutions be presented to Messrs. Carpenter and Otis, and Capt. David, and that the same be published.
Covington and Newport papers please copy.
By order of the Company,
A. W. WALLER, Secretary.