Publication: The Cincinnati Enquirer
Cincinnati, OH, United States
vol. 36, no. 58, p. 2, col. 7
City Council Meeting — Senator Foote
Communicates — Stone Compromise
Clinched, Lamp-Lettering Contract
Ditto — Southern Railroad Ordinance
Passed, but the Kentucky Central
Referred to the People.
The Council met in special session last night. All present except Mr. Carpenter.
The President presented a communication from Senator Foote touching the request of citizens and council for a law authorizing the ballot system at city elections. The Senator complains of a late very bad cold in his head, and says that the proposed law would be so plainly unconstitutional, and elections under it so plainly void, that no Law Committee of the Senate would report in its favor. The Senator's letter was respectfully received and filed.
The Committee on Ways and Means reported the receipt of $7,000 from Treasurer Stone's sureties, $6,000 being by check of E. K. Thornton, and $1,000 by check of Allen Bashford. Mr. McDannold inquired what authority Council or its Committee had to settle with the School Board. He feared that maybe the latter might claim its whole debt and come back on the Council for it. Mr. Collins answered that Council had a right to control the matter, but at any rate the compromise bad been submitted to, and approved by, the Committee on Ways and Means of the School Board. Action of Committee concurred in.
On motion of Mr. Blakely, the Committee on Law and City Attorney were instructed to take care of the city's interest in the estate of June Lynn, deceased.
The St. Elizabeth Hospital bill of [$306.07] was reported favorably by Mr. Geisbauer, except [$3.85]. Concurred in.
Wm. Taubken and Geo. Wellbrock were confirmed as private police during service at Mother of God Church on Sunday. This at the request of the church Trustees and with consent of the City Marshal.
The contract for lettering the street-lamps was confirmed to the Hemingray Glass Company at twenty cents per light, the only negatives being Messrs. Bateman and Wolking. Mr. Wolking stated that the number of lights broken last year was exactly 960.
The Committee on Gas reported an ordinance regulating the lighting and consumption of gas in street-lamps. We print an abstract above or below.
Mr. Tranter moved to refer to Committee on Police. Lost by 11 to 6. Ordinance postponed until next meeting.
Mr. McDannold presented a proposition from J. W. Pomfrey to complete the Ticket contract — that is, print the ordinanaces and proceedings of Council to the end of the Ticket contract year at the Ticket contract rates. Mr. Woods offered a resolution instructing the Committee on Printing to contract with the ENQUIRER at seventeen cents per square. Whole matter referred to Committee on Printing, to report Thursday evening.
Council next proceeded to consider the Southern Railroad Ordinance. Sunday amendments were offered, discussed and adopted or rejected. The ordinance finally passed in the shape given elsewhere in full. The yeas were Ashbrook, Blakely, Collins, Ellis, Geisbauer, Howe, Meyers, McDonald, Rich, Tranter, Woods, Stephens — 12. Nays: Bateman, Davezac, Fedders, Hermes, McDannold, Wolkening — 6.
The Kentucky Central Railroad ordinance was next taken up and treated somewhat likewise, but not exactly. Several amendments were agreed to and then Mr. Ashbrook offered a resolution to submit the ordinance to popular vote of the city at the next August election. he thought the question too important and involving too much of popular interest for Council to assume to pass upon, though he favored the ordinance.
Mr. Hermes concurred with Mr. Ashbrook. Mr. Blakely moved to table. Lost by 13 to 5, the five being Blakely, Collins, Ellis, Geisbauer, Stephens.
The Ashbrook resolution then passed by yeas: Ashbrook, Bateman, Fedders, Hermes, Howe, McDannold, McDonald, Tranter, Wolking and Woods — 10. Nays — Blakely, Collins, Davezac, Ellis, Geisbauer, Meyers, Rich and Stephens — 8.
Mr. Collins made two or three ferocious speeches against the resolution.
The City Clerk was ordered to make out pay-roll for next Thursday night. Shortly after twelve o'clock Council adjourned.