Publication: The Cincinnati Enquirer
Cincinnati, OH, United States
vol. 37, no. 253, p. 8,2, col. 1-x
The Grand Industrial Event
of 1879.
Preparations for the Great
Opening Day.
The People, the Programme,- the
Arrival of President Hayes and Other
Distinguished Visitors.
Full Programme for To-Day’s Ceremonies.
The Work at the Exposition Buildings.
List of the Exhibitors, with Residence
and Nature of Exhibit.
The Art Department — The General
Display — Notes and News.
The Buildings to Be Thrown Open to the Public
at Nine O’clock This Morning.
To-day Cincinnati’s great Industrial Exposition opens to the public. After months of earnest loving, arduous labor, after an expenditure of many thousands of dollars in preparation for the Exposition and many hundreds of thousands in the erection of buildings, those to whom this honorable but laborious task had been assigned inform the public that their great exhibit of art and art industry is in readiness, and will be opened at nine o’clock to-day. For nearly a year the work of preparation for today’s grand event has been industriously going forward. The citizens have poured out their wealth in response to the generous offer of a generous citizen, the buildings have been erected, the Exposition organized, the displays manufactured or gathered from all parts of the country and of the world, and now they are thrown open to the public gaze. For one month from nine o’clock to-day the people of the Valleys of the Ohio and Mississippi, supplemented by those of the regions still further from Cincinnati, may gather here and enjoy this feast of the beautiful and instructive gathered for their benefit. From Power Hall to the Art Department, from the horticultural display to the collection of wonderful works of the loom, the collection and art industry is a never ceasing wonder, a mine of useful information, a pleasing collection of the beautiful and the instructive. The lovers of art, the lovers of industry, the artist, the artisan, the mechanic and the millionaire, all will find the great Industrial Exposition a source of delight and of information; will rise up and bless the givers of the display, and the givers of the great gift which has made it a possibility.
List of Exhibitors.
The following is a full list of the exhibitors and their exhibits:
Hemingray Glass Company, Cincinnati, Glass-ware.