Publication: The Pittsburgh Commercial Gazette
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
vol. 99, no. 309, p. 1, col. 5
Cincinnati Brewers Think They Have It.
Testing the Wells.
Cincinnati O., July 21. — The Hoffheimer Bros'. distillery, on Harrison avenue, for some time has had five artesian wells located within a few feet of each other in operation. These supply the purest kind of spring water at a temperature of 56°, from a depth of about one hundred and sixty feet below the surface. Recently the supply from two of the wells slacked off somewhat, and the Hoffheimer Bros. started to bore deeper in them with a view to striking more water. When the drill reached a depth of about 240 feet a peculiar rumbling sound was heard issuing from the depths. This was caused by gas working up through the water. Alter a little while the gas seemed to get the upper hand of the water, the flowing water subsided, and the output of natural gas steadily increased. The second well, six feet from the first, gave a similar result. Since last Wednesday a steady stream, of gas has been issuing therefrom. It is kept burning night and day.
Sam Hoffheimer thinks they have got a big thing. He has written to experts on natural gas up in the Pennsylvania oil regions to some and examine the well, and is waiting daily for their arrival. His idea is that these two wells will furnish sufficient gas fuel to run the furnaces of the distillery.
The Hemingray Glass Company across the river has been boring for natural gas since last year. They struck three gas veins — one at 275, another at 325 and a third at 400 feet, but continued boring with the expectation of striking a larger vein. Yesterday they had reached 1965 feet below the surface. This is said to be the greatest depth of any well in the world with a 5 3/8 - inch inner pipe diameter. The present contract calls for 2,000 feet. Whether they will conclude to go still further is uncertain; but, with Mr. Hemingray's perseverance, it is more than likely he will keep on in his hunt for natural gas until the drill hits China. At present an eight-inch stream of artesian water flows from the well.