Two Dozen Hemingray employees set up hobo camp behind factory


Publication: The Muncie Daily Times

Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 13, no. 39, p. 4, col. 1


A Reporter Visits the East End Club

and Is Banqueted.

Yesterday a reporter of the Times was invited to visit "Hobo” camp, situated in the pretty wooded place just at the rear of the Hemingray Glass works. Upon arriving at the camp the reporter’s eye first met the national colors floating from the tree tops. The camp has a rudely constructed shanty under which a large table was spread with delicacies. A splendid dinner was served. The bill of fare consisted of turtle soup, celery, bread, butter, pickles and other good things to eat, which were abundantly provided and served.

The camp is occupied by two dozen men employed at the Hemingray glass works, who are spending their vacation at the camp. The party is known as the East End club and the camp as "Hobo camp." Yesterday was ladies’ day and the noon meal was an excellent one with everything in apple pie order. The wives and children of the men in camp were present with a few other invited friends.

Among the invited guests were Robert Hemingray and sons, Ralph and Robert, and Joe Mack and John Dolan, the professional ball players of Newport, Ky. Others present for dinner including the campers were George Matherson and family, John Butler and family, Lewis Dorn and family, William Wolford and fami­ly, Thomas Murray and family, Lory Cary and family, Edward Spencer and family, Thomas Dorin and family, Samuel Bird and children, Ira Bird and family, Joseph Harris and family, John Sullivan and family, Wm. Arnold and fami­ly, Mrs. Arthur Fox, Will Young and wife, Wm. Clearer, Henry Moles, Tom Bolts, Michael Carey, Miss Lizzie Murphy and Charles Bell. Frank Spencer is captain of the club. Joseph Burkhart is chief cook, with Frank Spencer assistant, Charles Emerson and Harry Nenermen [sic] Neuerman waiters. Frank Zunkeller is police of the camp and John Butler is the star funny man who looks after the lady callers. The club wishes the Times to thank the following business men and others who made donations: When Clothing Company, J. V. Gilbert, H. J. Kel­ler, C. B. McCaughan, George Davis, S. C. Cowan, James Dwyer, H. C. Klein, Charles Winters, J. C. Greisheimer, John Ervin, Tom Shannanan, J. Glenn, F. W. Clevenger, C. L. Bender, George H. Andrews, L. Reese.

The afternoon was spent with a musical program in which the fol­lowing persons took part. James Mulchaey, Wm. Shearer, Charles Emerson, Wm. Wolford, Miss May Madison, Mrs. T. Murray, Mr. Cot­ton and others.

Next week the wives will prepare dinner for the men and another feast will be enjoyed by the club.


Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Bob Stahr
Date completed:May 14, 2023 by: Bob Stahr;