Non Union men from Hemingray at Point Bottle Works now


Publication: The Sunday Morning Truth

Buffalo, NY, United States
vol. 12, no. 22, p. 5, col. 5

Vigorous Talk.


The Point bottle works, says the Wheeling, W. Va., Budget, is trying to run non-Union. They have Hemingray’s bounced blacksheep band. The Covington firm became sick of them, and now the point bottle works wants to undergo a similar experience. Charles Woods, Bluch Denning and Barney Ryan arrived here recently. Bluch is the man who patronizingly promised Hemingray that he would show him how to run his factory. But Bluch can't run antything except the growler, and that old beloved enemy generally runs him out of a job even if it is a crooked one.

Reddy McCall is expected here. They say that he is counting railroad ties, and will have sore feet when he reaches Rochester. Sam Jones has arrived here, and more are promised. The Meadville sheep are very much dissatisfied. Two of the Leesdale glass company men arrived here, Edward Riley and Tommy Johnson. But Tommy was not here long. His Mansfield girl sent him an invitation to return, accompanied by a constable, and Tommy accepted it at once, although he had to get out of bed at night to return.

Two of Hemingray's ex-sheep named Charles Woods and Barney Ryan, imbibed too much bug juice, and naturally got to fighting with one another. Charley drew a knife and stabbed Barney in the left side, and now he is in jail awaiting a hearing, which he will report in the Budget.

These are samples of the material used to beat Union men. One satisfaction is, that one dose always cures the firm.


Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Bob Stahr
Date completed:August 27, 2022 by: Bob Stahr;