[Trade Journal]
Publication: The Commoner and Glassworker
Pittsburgh, PA, United States
vol. 22, no. 31, p. 1, col. 1-2
Names of Those Already Elected to
Attend Conventions.
To Legislate at Atlantic City and
Milwaukee in July.
From reports from the different locals of the American Flint Glass Workers' union the contest for delegates to the convention to be held at Atlantic City in July is most spirited, in nearly every case the candidates far outnumbering the possible delegates and each candidate and his friends pushing hard for the coveted honor. The convention will be one of the most important in the history of the union, and from the reports of delegate elections so far received the locals are making a special effort to send men thoroughly fitted to represent their interests and legislate on the important trade questions to come before the convention.
The delegates elected so far reported are as follows:
L. U. 3, Alexandria, Ind., Thomas Conboy.
L. U. 4, Pittsburg, Henry Schohe.
L. U. 9, Wheeling, W. Va., Wm. Hankey, Henry Leiner, Frank Lyons and Patrick Hoe.
L. U. 10, Moundsvllle, W. Va., Brock Brown.
L. U. 21, Pittsburg, D. W. Vaux.
L. U. 23, Muncie, Ind., John Dodd, George Madison and Peter Cannon.
L. U. 28, Toledo, O., William E. Creighton and Bernard Gerety.
L. U. 29, Atlanta, Ind., Christ Duffy.
L. U. 30, Newark, O., Mich. Metzgar and Andrew Keenan.
L.U. 58, Wheeling, W. Va., C. M. Donley.
L. U. 64, Philadelphia, Charles Shipman, John F. Monahan, William Troll, Bert Bridgehouse, John Kutter, John Rannagan and William Gillooly.
L. U. 71. Indiana, Pa., Charles Brown and John A. Johnson.
L. U. 83, Fairmount, Ind., John McCulloch.
L. U. 86, Jeannette, Pa., Peter Schaaf, George Apple, Frank Rinehart, Samuel Anderson, Jacob Tiamor and Jacob Bentz.
L. U. 96, Steubenville, O., George Ross and John Sullivan.
Local Union 110, Marion, Ind., John F. Tobin.
Local. Union 116, Muncie, Ind., Frank Lafferty and Herbert Young.
Local Union 136, Rochester, Pa. Martin Harvey, John Kemper and Henry Schllter.
The election of delegates to the Glass Bottle Blowers' Asioclatlon convention at Milwaukee in July is under way in the various Branches, and spirited contests are reported from many places. The convention will have many important trade problems to solve and the responsibilities of the delegates will be heavy. As far as announced the members of the Branches show that they realize this by selecting representative men, well versed in local and general trade conditions. The delegates so far an-noucced elected are as follows:
Branch 3, Streator, Ill., Peter Bonenberger, John A. Jones, James Gately, John Scheutz, Jr., Frank Rafter, John Blade, John Buchner, William Shull, Michael Cassidy, Fred Goebel.
Branch 8, Bridgeton, N. J., James O. Mulligan, William Kerschoff.
Branch. 10, Royersford, Pa., Edward Greiner, Harry Carmelia, William Connelly, and Sherman Simmerman are alternates.
Branch 19, Bridgeton, N. J., C. H. Garwood, Joseph S. McGraw, David Souders, Samuel Herbert.
Branch 36, Albany, Ind., Joseph H. Pote, Andrew Gilmartin.
Branch 37, Lancaster, N. Y., Thos. Robinson.
Branch 63, Wiiliamstown, N. J., Harry Crist, John Letter, Nelson M. Lutz.