Publication: The Cincinnati Enquirer
Cincinnati, OH, United States
vol. 78, no. 249, p. 13, col. 3
Results in One Arrest
Former Glass Factory Proves To Be
Gambling House — Police
Confiscate Paraphernalia.
With the exception of one man who was registered as George Derfus, 52 years old, chauffeur, California, Ohio, a large gambling hall on the second floor of the old Hemingray Glass Works, Second and Madison avenues, Covington, was deserted when Police Chief Ignats Steidle, Lieutenant, William Sandford, Detective James Higgins and Patrolmen Walks, Doyle, Tschudi, Harris and Kelley, acting on information, raided the building last night.
Derfus was placed under arrest and charged with being in possession of a room where gambling devices were set up. He later was released on a bond of $100 and ordered to appear in Police Court this morning.
The hall, according to police, was equipped with at least one of every big gambling device known in the United States. The building, which is located in a secluded part of Covington, made an ideal "den," police say. An inclosed court near the entrance to the hall was used as a parking place for those who visited in automobiles, and all windows were tightly boarded so that the casual observer or nearby residents would not be suspicious.
Among the gambling paraphernalia confiscated by the police and hauled to headquarters were three dice tables, one roulette table and wheel, two poker tables, two hazard boards, two faro-bank tables and a number of chairs. The officers also confiscated 15 barrels of beverage, the alcoholic contents of which will be determined to-day.
Chief Steidle stated last night that he had been informed that the gamblers who had conducted the place were residents of Newport, Ky. He said he believed that the recent campaign waged in Newport had caused them to come to Covington.