Kokomo has contract to manufacture 10,000,000 insulators


Publication: The Kokomo Daily Gazette-Tribune

Kokomo, IN, United States
vol. 7, no. 87, p. 3, col. 2

A Big Contract.

C. Edward Henry, of the opales­cent glass works, returned from Chi­cago Thursday, where he had been on business. While there he took a single order for $150,000 worth of his product, it being a contract to fur­nish a firm with 10,000,000 glass elec­tric insulators. Mr. Henry favors Chicago as the place for holding the World’s fair in 1892, but will be at the great exposition with his pro­ducts let it be held where it will. He scooped the world at the Paris expo­sition this year, and is not afraid to enter for first honors in 1892.

Next week Mr. Henry will com­mence putting additional furnaces and roller presses for making art glass, which will greatly enlarge the facilities of the plant.


Keywords:Kokomo Opalescent Glass Company
Researcher notes:The insulators mentioned are likely the glass discs used in the bases of incandescent light bulbs.
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Bob Stahr
Date completed:February 24, 2023 by: Bob Stahr;