Hemingray will begin beer bottle production


Publication: The Muncie Morning Star

Muncie, IN, United States
vol. 56, no. 344, p. 6, col. 1


THERE should be a noticeable pick up in business in Muncie within the next week to ten days. There are at least three good reasons why business should be some better. Two large in­dustrial units have called men to work and local building and loan associations have been granted their licenses to resume business.

The Hemingray Glass Company today will start the manufacture of beer bottles. Actual production was not contemplated before Thurs­day but orders have been issued to start the tanks pouring today. With orders for a thou­sand carloads of bottles on file, officials of the company arc expecting sufficient business to keep from 200 to 300 men steadily employed for several months.

The Warner Gear Company has issued a call for the return of all employed in the No. 3 plant on the Yorktown road. These men are to report for work Wednesday morning. The resumption of operations in this plant means that Henry Ford's big plants are going again, for it is in this plant that the Ford parts are made. It means employment for close to 250 men.

Muncie's building and loan associations have been practically out of business since the bank holiday was declared. They have been per­mitted to receive payments on loans but that is about all. Under the license granted yesterday by the state banking department they will re­sume their full business under certain rules and regulations applied by the state department. It all helps in the revival of business.

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Muncie’s community garden project has spread to all parts of the country and we read where most of our neighboring cities are plan­ning community gardens much on the plan of the ones operated here for the last three years. Indianapolis is taking up the project on quite a large scale and already close to 1,500 men have registered for garden work. There is consid­erable more to garden work than raising food­ stuffs which will benefit needy families. Those who plant and help to tend the gardens are occu­pying their time in useful effort and at the same time are getting a lot of healthful outdoor exercise. Many of the men who tended the gardens here last year were factory men who had been housed between factory walls for many years with little chance for outdoor exercise. They entered into the work with much enthusiasm and seemed to enjoy it. The community garden campaign is a wholesome co-operative movement which deserves every encouragement, and those who have placed their ground at the disposal of the needy are deserving of much credit.

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About 7,000 city school pupils would like to get hold of the weather man and wring his neck. Last week was spring vacation and the youngsters had dealt out to them six days of about the worst weather in the book. Studies were resumed yesterday morning and the weather man came forth with a bright sun and the accompanying temptations to take one away from his studies. And a lot of mothers feel just about like their children. In fact, most mothers can't see why it is necessary to have spring vacation. To them it is generally a week of trouble. A school teacher would have to be a real diplomat to satisfactorily explain to a mother why it wouldn't be better to discontinue the spring vacation and close school a week earlier in June. That might be a good subject for discussion at some of the parent-teacher meetings. We can imagine how the teachers feel about it.

Researcher notes: 
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Bob Stahr
Date completed:August 14, 2023 by: Bob Stahr;