Stockholders of Pendleton Glass Tube & Pipe Works meet


Publication: The Daily Journal

Logansport, IN, United States
vol. 17, no. 123, p. 4, col. 2

A SPECIAL from Pendleton, Ind., says:

The board of directors and a num­ber of the Indianapolis stockholders of the Pendleton Glass Tube and Pipe Company met here to-day to inspect the new factory and held a regu­lar business meeting. The party consisted of Claude Matthews, J. O. Henderson, A. W. Sweeney, Leon O. Bailey, J. T. Fanning and J. W. Littler.

The names sound familiar. In fact Matthews is the Democratic candi­date for Governor and the rest are prominent Democrats. As stockhold­ers in a branch of an industry which is the second greatest of the protected industries of the United States these gentlemen admit that there is no danger of free trade and that the Democratic talk is buncombe. The moral is plain. Stick to the right policy and you will take no chances.


Keywords:Glass Conduits : Pendleton Glass Tube & Pipe Works
Researcher notes:Claude Matthews (future Governor of Indiana) was Ralph Hemingray's brother in law.
Supplemental information: 
Researcher:Bob Stahr
Date completed:November 6, 2023 by: Bob Stahr;