Publication: Historical & Descriptive Review of St. Louis
St. Louis, MO, United States
p. 60;224-225, col. 1-2
Enterprising Business Houses
— AND —
FREDERICK T. SHORE, Inventor of Transparent Monuments and the Excelsior Extractor and Roaster, 1409 Tower Grove Avenue, Territory for Sale. — A man who invents anything that makes easier any department of labor, is a benefactor of the human race. Among the inventors of St. Louis a place must be assigned to Mr. Frederick T. Shore, who is the proprietor of a printing establishment at No. 1409 Tower Grove avenue. His last invention is for use in the culinary department and consists of what he has had patented under the name of the Excelsior Extractor and Roaster. Every farmer, butcher and housewife wants one. The business man can cook his own dinner in his office without trouble. Mr. Shore has also patented a transparent monument. It is composed of glass, mica or gelatin, and is indestructible. A photograph or any obituary matter can be inserted in it. The cost of them is much less than marble, and they can be made in many designs and all prices. Arrangements have been made with the Pendleton Glass Tube and Pipe Works of Pendleton, Ind., to furnish the monuments of any size and thickness desired, not less than one inch in thickness. State and county rights on his various inventions are for sale. Correspondence solicited and will have prompt attention. Mr. Shore was born and raised in North Carolina and has lived in St. Louis for the past three years.