[Trade Journal]
Publication: American Flint
Toledo, OH, United States
vol. 31, no. 11, p. 42,50, col. 1-2,1-2
By Whitey Baker
Having been appointed as Press Secretary it gives me the opportunity to once more appear in the columns of The Flint and I was immediately approached by Jimmy Thornhill, the chief blacksmith Inspector, as to why he never gets his name in the Flint. Well, Jimmy, you are asking for it, so you have it coming to you.
Things are going along about as well as can be expected at the Ball plant, although orders limiting' production in both the Rubber and Zinc departments have slowed things down somewhat, we are still working overtime in the Mould Shop.
Have not heard much from the Hemmingray [sic] Hemingray plant since the tank was repaired but hear things are in good shape.
At the last meeting of Local 50 Lloyd Snyder, who has served his apprenticeship at the Hemmingray [sic] Hemingray plant, was initiated as a member of Local 50 and we all feel sure that he is going to be a good member and a good trade unionist. We all had a very pleasant surprise a couple of weeks ago when we were favored with a visit to our plant by Murray (Petey Dink) Clevenger, Asst. Plant Manager of the Maryland Glass Corp. of Baltimore, Md. We all enjoyed your visit Petey, especially talking about that little old Saxon you used to drive. Come again Petey, when you can stay longer.
Sorry to report that Richard Fairall has worked his notice and moved out but don't know just where he was headed for. We all miss you Dick.
Herbert L. Turner, formerly of Winchester and Glenn Morris are two of the new arrivals here. Hope you like it boys, as we all like you.
At the September meeting of Local 50 the following officers were elected: president, J. Wesley Evans; Vice-President, Ray Stanley; Corresponding Secretary, Clyde Hamilton; Financial Secretary, George Gagnon; Inspector, Virgil Alles; Inside Guard, Fred Hershey; Outside Guard, Harry Thornburg; Trustee, Geo. W. Baker.
With nearly a new set of officers elected it is hoped that the Local will settle down to a business basis and hope we have a very successful year ahead of us.
We had a very pleasant visit from our apprentice, Harold Dyer, who entered the Service and is now at the Great Lakes Training Station. Harold, I promised to keep that lock of hair which I clipped off with the tin snips.
I was very glad to get a letter from my old pal, J. Albert Delk, one of our former executive members, who is in the Service and is now stationed at Camp Wheeler, Ga. Good luck, Delk, Old Pal — Old Pal.
Well as they say it takes brains to think, and that is one department in which I am shy. I will have to close hoping that all of our members are buying — buying — buying Bonds until it hurts — hurts — hurts.