[Trade Journal]
Publication: American Flint
Toledo, OH, United States
vol. 54, no. 11, p. 18,19, col. 1,2
local news
Deadline for Local News 10th of Month.
MUNCIE, INDIANA — Don Everhart . . .
Hello, Flints, this is Owens-Illinois, Local Union 50 of Muncie, Indiana. Work in the shop has picked up a little for some of the men on the machines, but otherwise the overtime is confined to the weekend coverage.
After my last month's news letter I should quit, but I can always do that, so here is another try. Kirby Johnson is still off work with a broken foot and Delbert Hurdle was taken to the hospital the other night for an emergency operation for appendicitis. Get well soon, boys.
We have two new births in the shop. Mr. and Mrs. Louis Hicks have a boy, Randy E., and Mr. and Mrs. David Evans, a boy, Brooks David.
Also at the time of this writing we have one man off on vacation, Jack Gates, but he didn't tell me his plans.
Our trip to the Lantonia [sic] Latonia Race Track, sponsored by the shop's Onized Club, has come and gone. Some of us are wiser and some of us think we are wiser. Therman Evans was a winner and Howard "Chalk" Wilson was really a winner. Chalk did do pretty well and we all had a good time; that's all that matters.
Last month Jennings B. Johnson visited with me here at the plant, and I was very happy to see him again. J. B. was very surprised to see the operations that take place here and I hope to be able to tell about them in next month's news letter. J. B. Johnson worked with me over at Ball Brothers about three years ago; also Local Union 50. He now works in California. I v/ill try to get his address in the next letter to the Flints. Seeing J. B. again makes me wonder how some of my other old friends are — George and Bertha Williams, Mr. and Mrs. James Wallen of Owens in Portland, Oregon; Mr. and Mrs. Ray Glasgow, Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Dixon of Continental Can in Plainfield, Illinois. Clyde, I go past your house every chance I get but never see a car so I don't stop. I will some day. Others are: Mr. and Mrs. George Ganyon of Salem, New Jersey; (maybe George wouldn't want me to say this but he is one of the best ring men in the trade today); Mr. and Mrs. James Fry of Palestine, Texas. Jim, you should have come over to the shop when you were in Muncie last, you would have been more than welcome. Those two brothers-in-law of yours, Bob and Jack Flowers, who are millwrights at the plant, told me they both asked you. What's the matter, boy?
This month my mother, Mrs. Ed Everhart, had an annual visit from Mr. and Mrs. Clyde Definbaugh of Tiffin, Ohio. Clyde has been a Flint for nearly sixty years. He is a retired presser for the old U. S. Glass Company of Tiffin. If I'm not mistaken I think Clyde and Nina left Dunkirk in 1925 and they have come back every year to visit with us for at least a week — and they had better keep coming. Clyde and my dad were very good buddies and both good Flints. Clyde used to play a good deal of baseball around Dunkirk. In fact he joined the great Dunkirk team one year after they beat the Cincinnati Reds two out of three games. And after that the Reds quit playing small teams like that because of embarrassment. Clyde tried to make ball players out of us four Everhart boys when he came home but we had too much glass in our veins, I guess, for we all turned out to be mold makers. Clyde and Nina Definbaugh's address is 633 West Market St., Tiffin, Ohio, Box 31.
This is all for this month but I hope to have something about our plant here in Muncie next month that will eventually be a benefit to us all. So buy U.S.A.