[Trade Journal]
Publication: American Flint
Toledo, OH, United States
vol. 62, no. 9, p. 16, col. 1
The Owens-Illinois, Muncie, Indiana plant has been permanently closed. Operations were ended July 15, 1972. Reason given by the company is that the plant is obsolete and the cost of rebuilding cannot be justified in view of the future business outlook.
For the past several years the product manufactured at the plant was color TV picture tube face plates which are also produced at the Columbus, Ohio and Pittston, Pennsylvania, plants of Owens-Illinois.
Employees affected by the Muncie plant closing are mold makers, members of Local 50 and maintenance and production workers, members of Local 712. About 275 hourly paid employees have been permanently terminated. Severance pay was made available to employees ranging from 80 to 960 hours at base rate computed on employee's age and years of service with the company. Employee insurance coverage was extended for six months beyond the plant closing. The effective date of the increased retirement benefit was moved up to the termination date in order to provide maximum benefits to those employees who qualify and elect to take early retirement. The vested interest provision in the retirement plan effective, date was also moved up to enable employees to qualify for the improved coverage.