Publication: The Fort Wayne Sentinel
Fort Wayne, IN, United States
p. 7, col. 4
Newspapers Quote Goal Tend and What
He Probably Said.
A writer on a Muncie paper quotes Dave Cusick as saying:
"My wife was born with a silver spoon in her mouth; mine was of tin. We have agreed to separate and a divorce will be given her, as far as I am concerned. I have agreed not to contest her suit. We are still good friends. We might have been happy if others had not meddled, but I am not sure. We were reared in different atmospheres and our tastes were not always congenial."
This is followed by references to the "flaxen-haired goal tend" who had tears in his eyes as he said it with an account of his marriage two years ago to Misss Sue Hemingray, of Muncie.
It's a safe bet the Cusick's interview was revised in the office before it was sent out. People who know the aforesaid "flaxen haired" are ready to bet that he does not know what atmosphere is and what Davy probably said is: "My frau cut in at the upper crust while I hit the slums when I was born. We've decided to split out and if she wants a divorce Davy'll not knock her game. She's me Indy friend still and we might a pushed dis married stunt to de limit if de whole family hadn't butted in from de start.
"Me for the east. I weighed in light and have been out of me class all de time. I got in bad from the start and I can't learn de game and here's where I take me twenty-three from high society."