Publication: The World
New York, NY, United States
vol. 43, no. 15,080, p. 16, col. 2
Friends of the Horseman Say
He Did Not Assist in Miss
Stebbin's Suicide.
Young Man a Member of a
Wealthy and Prominent Family
of Kentucky.
CINCINNATI, Dec. 3.— Carlo Campiglio, as she was known, for whse [sic] whose suicide young Robin Hemingray, the horseman, was ruled off the Engleside race track at San Francisco, was widely known here and in Covington, Ky., across the river, as a gay spirit. It is said that a wealthy Cincinnati woman, whose youthful son was infatuated with the girl, paid her $10,000 upon condition that she would never speak to the boy again.
There is doubt as to the actual amount paid, but whatever it was the girl kept her promise, walking away from the woman's son one afternoon when he accosted her on the street without a word of explanation.
The girl's true name was Charlotte Steffin, and her mother having married Prof. Campoglis [sic] Campiglio, a musician of this city, she assumed the new name. At the time that she went West with Robin Hemingray she was working in a manicuring establishement in Indianapolis. She went with him to Chicago, and thence to San Francisco where where she was known by courtesy as his wife.
Young and Beautiful.
The girl was only eighteen years old, dark and beautiful, a coquette and heart-breaker.
Word has been received here exonerating Robin Hemingway [sic] Hemingray of an complicity in the suicide of the girl. There is no evidence, apparently, that he deserted her or intended to desert her, and the action of Thomas W. Williams, President of the New California Racing Association, in ruling him off the track because of his relations with the young woman, is not understood here.
The Hemingrays are wealthy and influential people here and in Covington. For half a century the Hemingray Glass Works has been one of the great industries of Covington and the family held a high social position.
Preferred the Race Course.
The young man did not inherit the business ability of his ancestors, and soon deserted the glass-blowing enterprise for the more congenial field of the race-track.