[Trade Journal]
Publication: Telephony
Chicago, IL, United States
vol. 5, no. 1, p. 78,80, col. 1
The Gordon Battery Company's exhibit, photo of which appears in this, issue, attracted a great deal of attention at the convention. E. M. Deems, the company's western agent, was in charge. The Gordon cell is so extensively used throughout the country for operating central energy systems and switchboard transmitters and has given such universal satisfaction, that it has gained a large number of stanch friends among the telephone fraternity. Gordon cells are made in different sizes varying in capacity
from 100 to 1,000 ampere hours. A constant current, depending on the type, at an E. M. F. of from sixty-five one-hundredths to seventy-five one-hundredths volts can be obtained from this cell, and as there is practically no internal resistence the E. M. F. is available. The cell is claimed to be free from noxious fumes and gases and is said to not be affected by climatic changes. It requires no attention during its life and is not consumed by local action when not in service.
The home office of the Gordon Battery Company is 439-445 East 144th street, New York. Its western office is located at 358 Dearborn street, Chicago. The company now has in preparation an enlarged catalogue fully describing the different sizes of the cell which it will be glad to send upon request.