Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
p. 8, col. 2
"Pallos Luck" Well Performed
Last Night
It is very evident that there is an unlimted supply of amateur theatrical talent in Muncie, especially among the members of Grace Episcopal church.
Last evening at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. N. F. Ethell a very entertaining parlor drama, "Pallo's Luck," was presented. The performance was creditable, indeed, the histrionic abilities evidenced by the amateur actors were superior to those possessed by many people who appear on the stage.
The play depicted the troubles of Tom and Dolly Pallo, two actors, who wanted some one to back them in a theatrical venture, and which backing they finally secured in the person of a Mr. Jackson, whose handsome features were none other than those of Councilman H. H. Highlands. T. E. Rose, as Col. Snooks, was very clever, while Mrs. Bob Hemingray was a charming Mrs. Jackson. Mrs. Rollin Marsh acted the part of "Aunt Theodosis" in a way that secured her unlimited applause.
After the perfomance punch was served in the dining room.
The entertainment was for the benefit of the second section of the ladies guild and about $25 was cleared.