Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
p. 8, col. 4
A Fish Story.
The first fish story of the fall season came to hand yesterday by way of the water works office and was told to Ralph Hemingray, who vouches for its authenticity, and is about as follows: Yesterday afternoon Quince Walling, who presides over the destinies of the Muncie water works, was east of the city looking after some affairs at the pumping station and while there he went up the bank of the river, near by a small dam, that is used to keep the water from running all away, which might be needed in case of fire, with the accent on the fire, and the water being quite low there is not much water going over the dam, and it was while this condition of affairs existed that a fish, of the black bass variety, attempted to ascend the river and coming to the dam and finding it could not swim up the river, it elevated itself to a perpendicular position and was making its way over the dam walking on its tail. This novel sight almost stunned Mr. Walling but he soon regained his presence of mind and drawing his revolver from his pistol pocket fired, hitting the fish, aforesaid, between the eyes, whereat the said fish duly yielded up the ghost and was duly captured by the party of the first part then and there. The aforesaid fish was brought to the city and when placed in the balance was found to weigh a trifle over seven pounds and was duly cleaned and will be eaten by the said Walling and his family.
And further deponent sayeth not.
And we should think not.