[Trade Journal]
Publication: Electrical World and Engineer
New York, NY, United States
vol. 39, no. 2, p. 105, col. 1
GLAZE FILLED INSULATOR PATENT. — Note has already been made in these pages of patent decisions in favor of the glazed filled insulator patent of Mr. John W. Boch, of the R. Thomas & Sons Company. The last action in the affair is a supplementary opinion from the United States Circuit Court of New Jersey, against the defendant's plea for reargument, and sustaining Boch as follows: "Boch has conceived and perfected that which others had striven for in vain. Characterized in a phrase, his invention may be spoken of as a glazefilled multi-part porcelain insulator. Its particular features have already been adverted to. The process he employs and has patented seems peculiarly fitted to accomplish the end desired, but the fact that there may be others, does not debar him from laying claim to the result attained, of which he seems to be the discoverer."