LU 23 delegates William Finan and Russell Carmichael, two letters from James Tracy to settle old strikes

[Trade Journal]

Publication: Proceedings of the 29th Convention of the American Flint Glass Workers Union

Toledo, OH, United States
p. I-XII;XV-XVI,79,83,99,100-103,114,116, col. 1





Twenty-Ninth Convention




American Flint


Glass Workers’ Union






JULY, 1906.






Twenty-Ninth Convention of the American Flint Glass

Workers’ Union.



                                                                                                 SEA ISLE CITY, N. J., July 9, 1906.


The convention was called to order by Brother Ralph Barber, Jr., Chairman of the Committee on Arrangements, at 9.30 A. M., who after a few brief remarks introduced the Honorable Mayor of the city, Mr. James F. Sherry, who gave the officers and delegates a warm welcome to the garden spot of the south coast of New Jersey, and assured the delegates that the city belonged to them. Mr. Sherry pointed out the many advantages that Sea Isle City afforded over other convention cities and informed the delegates that if they went wanting for anything it was their fault, for if the Board of Trade knew their wants he would assure them that their wishes would be fulfilled. Mr. Sherry concluded by wishing the delegates an enjoyable time personally, and that their efforts would prove beneficial to the organization.

Chairman Barber then introduced President Rowe who re­sponded to the address of welcome made by the Mayor, and touched upon the aims and objects of organized labor, and as­sured the distinguished gentlemen that if they were to study the question they would be rewarded by the fact of knowing that organized labor has been misrepresented and misunderstood. President Rowe assured the visitors present that while the dele­gates would enjoy themselves, yet there would not be a single infringement upon the laws of the city, or the good will of the officials or citizens, and we hope to be able to visit Sea Isle again in a few short years.

The next speaker was Mr. Theodore DeBoe, of the Board of Trade, who spoke in a happy vein, and wished the delegates would carry home with them many pleasant recollections of Sea Isle City.

The officials were then permitted to retire, and President Rowe took charge of the meeting and appointed Brothers Werline of 83 and Coffman of 74, on the door.

The hall was then cleared of all persons not delegates, and the convention was duly opened by President Rowe at 10.40 A. M., and the following committee was appointed on credentials.




Daniel Kratz, No. 3, chairman; Walter Maters, No. 1; Paul Martin, No. 2; Frank Lyons, No. 9; D. J. McGrail, No. 13; W. D. Hassner, No. 16; Patrick Kennedy, No. 24; James Ray, No. 28; Thomas Powers, No. 34; Joseph Schachern, No. 36; Frank Keisler, No. 46; L. F. Senn, No. 48; Felix Kopp, No. 52: P. J. Meagher, No. 54; Jacob Engle, No. 65; Oscar Coffman, No. 74; David Reaster, No. 81; Harry Thompson, No. 86; George Green, No. 96; Herbert Young, No. 115 ; Peter Youngman, No. 126; F. N. Zihlman, No. 137.

By motion the Convention adjourned until 1.30 P. M., in order to permit the Credentials Committee to get down to work.


President Rowe called the Convention to order at 1.30 P. M., and Brothers Simpson of No. 31, and Hickey of No. 32, were appointed on the door.

Chairman Kratz, of the Credentials Committee, reported that the Committee could not make a final report before 3 o’clock.

By motion the convention took a recess until 3 P. M.

Meeting was called to order by President Rowe, in the chair.




                                                                                                 SEA ISLE CITY, N. J., July 9th, 1906.


To the officers and members of the Twenty-ninth Convention:


We, the Committee on Credentials, respectfully submit the fol­lowing report:

We find the following delegates have presented proper credentials:


                                                          No.                                                    No.

     John F. Kennedy.......................... 1    W. D. Hassner........................... 16

     Martin Murray............................. 1    Theo. Saladin............................ 16

     Walter Maters.............................. 1    John Sylvia............................... 17

     Henry Shaw................................. 1    Harry Webb............................... 21

     Peter Beisel................................. 1    Wm. Finan................................. 23

     M. J. Clarke................................. 2    Russell Carmichal..................... 23

     Martin Joyce................................ 2    Jerry O’Neil.............................. 24

     J. F. Tobin.................................... 2    Patrick Kennedy........................ 24

     Paul Martin.................................. 2    Angus McKay........................... 24

     Joseph Ingram............................. 2    James Madden........................... 25

     John Armstrong........................... 3    Sylvester Hill............................ 25

     C. A. Schroth............................... 3    Wm. E. Creighton..................... 28

     T. J. Conboy................................. 3    James Ray................................. 28

     Walter Faux................................. 3    James Donahue......................... 29

     John Fitzimmons......................... 3    H. C. Arnesberg........................ 30

     J. Agnew...................................... 3    Joseph O’Malley.....................   31

     Daniel Kratz................................ 3    Henry Wentz............................   31

     Henry Judge................................ 3    George Simpson......................   31

     George Hilbert............................ 4    Frank Sertell.............................. 31

     Jerry Martz................................. 7    Joseph Hickey............................ 32

     Frank B. Lyons........................... 9    Joseph Fulmer............................ 32

     Henry Leiner.............................. 9    James O’Hara............................. 32

     John Corcoran............................ 9    Thomas Powers.......................... 34

     Patrick Hoe................................. 9    J. R. Seabrooks.......................... 34

     James Haveron........................... 9    James Dunfee............................. 34

     John Leonard............................. 10   Oliver W. Gould........................ 35

     Albert Landry............................. 10   Thos. Manderson...................... 36

     John Mullen............................... 10   Tim Kaye.................................. 36

     Harry Cook................................ 13   John M. Cauley......................... 36

     Wm. S. Coen............................. 13   Gustave Groth........................... 38

     D. J. McGrail............................. 13   C. F. Ohnsman.......................... 38

     Corwin Long............................. 13   Simon Burkhart......................... 39

     Philip Cassidy........................... 14    Harry Tompkinson.................... 42

     Wm. Hack................................. 44   Oscar Coffman.......................... 74

     Ralph Barber, Jr......................... 46   Earnest Love............................. 74

     M. J. Kane................................. 46   O. B. Kelley............................... 78

     Frank Kiesler............................. 46   J. S. Morris................................ 78

     Louis F. Senn............................. 48   John Richardson ...................... 78

     Charles Nold.............................. 48   James A. Kelly......................... 78

     Edward Zimmer......................... 49   Eugene Dooling....................... 79

     F. S. Kopp.................................. 52   Chas. Kindsvatter .................... 80

     Chas. F. Craig............................ 53   Richard Lanahan ..................... 80

     Thomas Grayson........................ 53   Wm. Frank............................... 81

     P. J. Meagher.............................. 54   Fred. Shane .............................. 81

     Joseph Canty.............................. 54   David Reaster ......................... 81

     Chas. A. Wingett........................ 55   Thos. C. Devine....................... 81

     Lawrence Gideon....................... 55   Matt Hall ................................ 81

     James A. Crumley...................... 56   William Barry.......................... 82

     Charles Sullivan........................ 59   Harry Thompson ..................... 86

     Charles Shipman....................... 64   Harry Marratti ......................... 86

     Patrick Fallon............................ 64   Michael J. Schmucker ............. 86

     John Kuter................................. 64   William Zimmer........................ 89

     John Meehan............................. 64   Fred. Snyder.............................. 90

     Marcus Kenny........................... 64   George Green............................ 96

     James Downey.......................... 64   William Grafton ....................... 96

     Jacob Engle .............................. 65   John P. McCullough................ 107

     Miles Umphries......................... 65   William Hannon .................... 107

     Geo. W. Brown.......................... 68   John O’Brien ......................... 115

     Anthony Samstag...................... 69   Herbert Young......................... 115

     John H. Aiker............................ 71   Gustave Sauerbrine................. 124

     Harvey McShaffery................... 72   Thomas Lacey......................... 126

     James Hickey............................ 73   Peter Youngman ..................... 126

     George Flecker.......................... 73   Fred. N. Zihlman.................... 137

     Charles Hersche........................ 73   Felix Murray........................... 146

     Jno. J. Rock............................... 74


The following Local Unions elected delegates, but did not receive credentials.

Local Union, No. 5.—Did not receive credentials, as the Local Union was indebted to the National Office $589.20. The plea of the delegates, John Dixon, Frank Lauer, George W. Keyser, was, that the Local Union has been locked out since August, 1904, and had no chance to pay the account. Motion to recommend to the Convention that the delegates be seated. Carried.

Local Union, No. 6.—Delegate, J. W. Pritchett. The excuse of No. 6, being the same as Local Union, No. 5. The committee recommended that the delegate be given a seat in Convention.

Local Union, No. 8. — Delegates, William Cottingham, Thomas Dignan, George A. Maley, William Conroy, Roy Copeland, Henry Flynn, O. J. Sigward. The Local owed $56.91 for car fares which the Local Union failed to collect from members working under their jurisdiction, after being notified by the National Secretary to do so. Therefore, being held responsible for the debt, according to Article 4, Section 4, of the Constitution. The delegates made the plea that the present officers of the Local Union have done all in their power to have all the members pay up their accounts, and have made good progress so far, but found it very hard to collect the car fares on account of the small earn­ings of the members in debt for fare. They promised to proceed to collect the accounts as soon as they start to work the coming fire, and assured the committee that all the accounts will be collected in a short time. After quite a lengthy discussion on their case, the committee agreed to recommend that the delegates be given a seat in Convention.

Local Union, No. 18. — Delegate, James H. Grady. The credentials were sent to the Local Union, but too late to reach the delegate before he had started to Convention. The delay in sending the credential was caused by the assessments not being paid until May 31st, and the delegate brought a check for the amount with him.

Local Union, No. 36. — Delegate, Schachern, reported that he had lost his credential, and after an explanation of his case the committee recommended that he be given a seat in Convention.

Local Union, No. 41. — Delegates, Oscar Companion, Edward Armstrong, Joseph Stritt. Credentials not sent on account of the Local Union being indebted to the National Office $949.38. The excuse of the delegates was that the Local Union has been locked out since August, 1904, and had no chance to pay up the account.

Local Union, No. 50. — Delegate, John Englehart. The Local Union being locked out since August, 1904, had no chance to pay up their indebtedness, and was recommended to be seated by the committee.

Local Union, 58. — Delegate, William Wassmier. The Local Union has its assessments paid up to May 26th instead of May 31st. The delegate stated that the error was made by their Fin­ancial Secretary, as he had dated the report which was sent to the National Office May 26th instead of May 31st. The statement was accepted, by the committee and recommended to seat the delegate.

Local Union, No. 60. — Delegates, William Troll, John J. Laf­ferty. The Local Union is indebted to the amount of $215.00. The cause of the large account against the Local was, that in the early part of June their Financial Secretary embezzled that amount of the assessments, and was charged against the Local, and as the fire was almost finished, they had no chance to make the amount good to the Association, but promised to do so as soon as possible. The report of the delegates was accepted, and recommended to seat them.

Local Union, No. 61. — Delegate, William Floto. Credentials were not sent as the assessments were not paid up to May 31st, but as the delegate had with him a draft from the Local Union to cover the amount due, the committee recommended to seat the delegate.

Local Union, No. 98. — Delegate, James J. Welsh. The Local Union was paid up in full, and credentials sent to the Secretary, but had not the seal attached, so were sent back for correction, and the delegate seated.

Local Union, No. 99. — Delegates, George Conway, James C. McGee. Credentials were not sent to the Local, as their as­sessments were not paid up to May 31st. The delegates from No. 99 were under the impression that all their assessments were paid up, and were notified at the last hour that they were not, and made an attempt to find the Financial Secretary, but could not locate him, but assured the committee that the assessments would be on in a day or two. They also agreed to put up enough money to cover the amount due. Their statement was satisfactory to the committee, and recommended to seat the delegates for No. 99.

Local Union, No. 103. — Delegates, Jacob Trainor, Charles Langenbaker. The reason no credentials were sent to Local Union, No. 103, was, that the Local Union was indebted to the Association the sum of $175.00. The delegates stated that the heavy indebtedness was caused by their Financial Secretary mis­appropriating the assessments of the Local Union, and that the matter was not discovered until too late in the fire to make the amount good, but say they will do so as soon as a complete audit has been made. They also state that the Secretary has agreed to make good the $175.00, but it was not accepted, until a complete audit has been made, and a final report. The statement was accepted, and recommended to be seated.

Local Union, No. 111. — Delegates, John Hester, Samuel Mc­Cord, H. Bushager. The reason credentials were not sent to Local Union, No. in, was, that they were indebted to the Association the sum of $226.01. The delegates stated that the debt against them is an old one, and was approximately $600.00 a few years ago, and they have been paying off the account the best they can under the circumstances. They have been making poor time since December, and had paid $100.00 of the account in the early part of the fire. They also promised to have the full amount paid up by next December, as they have very good prospects for the coming fire. Statement was accepted, and recom­mended they be seated.

Local Union, No. 127. — Delegates, Harry Pence, A. J. Keenan. No credentials were sent to the Local on account of an indebted­ ness of $507.98. Statement was made that the amount charged against the Local was assessments misappropriated by their Fin­ancial Secretary, and they have been collecting the 25 per cent, of his earnings as agreed to when settlement was made with the Secretary and Local Union, and approved by the National Office. Considering the fact that the Local Union had been carrying out their agreement to collect the 25 per cent, of the earnings of the defaulting Secretary, they were recommended to be seated.

Signed by the committee.

Daniel Kratz, No. 3, chairman; Walter Maters, No. 1; Paul Martin, No. 2; Frank Lyons, No. 9; D. J. McGrail, No. 13; W. D. Hassner, No. 16; Patrick Kennedy, No. 24; James Ray, No. 28; Thomas Powers, No. 34; Joseph Schachern, No. 36; Frank Keisler, No. 46; L. F. Senn, No. 48; Felix Kopp, No. 52; P. J. Meagher, No. 54; Jacob Engle, No. 65; Oscar Coffman, No. 74; David Reaster, No. 81; Harry Thompson, No. 86; George Green, No. 96; Herbert Young, No. 115; Peter Youngman, No. 126; F. N. Zihlman, No. 137.

Motion made to adopt the report as read. Amendment to adopt the report as far as the delegates who are legally entitled to a seat, and take up the Locals in question one at a time. After a lengthy discussion, a vote was taken, and the amendment lost, and motion to adopt the report. Carried.

Motion that a committee of three be apointed [sic] appointed to draw up rules to govern this Convention. Carried. Delegate Barber of No. 46, McGee of No. 99, and Finan of No. 23, were appointed as the committee.


The following committees were appointed:




GEORGE CONWAY, No. 99, Chairman.


                                                          No.                                                    No.

     Walter Maters............................... 1      L. F. Senn................................ 48

     George Hilbert ............................. 4      Charles Nold .......................... 48

     John Corcoran ............................. 9      Edward Zimmer ..................... 49

     Patrick Hoe .................................. 9      Lawrence Gideon .................. 55

     James Haveron ............................ 9      Charles Wingett ..................... 55

     John Leonard ............................. 10      William Troll ......................... 60

     John Mullen ............................... 10      Charles Shipman ................... 64

     Harry Cook................................. 13      Jacob Engle ........................... 65

     W. S. Coen.................................. 13      Miles Umphries .................... 65

     D. J. McGrail.............................. 13      John Alker ............................ 71

     Corwin Long .............................. 13      John Rock ............................ 74

     Theodore Saladin ....................... 16      Oscar Coffman ..................... 74

     William Finan ............................. 23      Earnest Love........................ 74

     Russell Carmichal ...................... 23      Richard Linihan ................... 80

     Angus McKay ............................ 24      Harry Thompson .................. 86

     James Madden ............................ 25      Harry Marratti ..................... 86

     Sylvester Hill .............................. 25      M. J. Schumucker ............... 86

     James Donahue ........................... 29      George Green ...................... 96

     H. C. Arnesberg .......................... 30      William Grafton .................. 96

     Joseph Hickey ............................ 32      J. C. McGee.......................... 99

     Joseph Fulmer ............................ 32      Jacob Trainor ...................... 103

     James O’Hara ............................. 32      Chas. Langenbacher............ 103

     James Dunfee ............................. 34      J. P. McCullough ................ 107

     Thomas Manderson .................... 36      William Hannon ................. 107

     C. F. Ohnsman ............................ 38      Thomas Lacey .................... 126

     Gustav Groth .............................. 46      Peter Youngman ................. 126

     Frank Keisler ...............................46     A. J. Keenan......................... 127





SAMUEL MCCORD, NO. 111, Chairman.


                                                          No.                                                    No.

     Martin Murray............................. 1      Joseph Stritt.............................. 48

     Walter Faux ................................ 3      F. S. Kopp................................. 52

     George Hilbert ........................... 4      William Troll ............................ 60

     J. W. Pritchett ............................. 6      Charles Shipman ...................... 64

     Roy Copeland ............................ 8      Patrick Fallen ........................... 64

     Joseph Haveron ......................... 9      John Alker ................................ 71

     John Mullen ............................. 10      James Hickey ........................... 73

     Harry Cook .............................. 13      Oscar Coffman ......................... 74

     W. D. Hassner .......................... 16      Charles Kindsvatter ................. 80

     James H. Grady ....................... 18      William Frank .......................... 81

     William Finan .......................... 23      Harry Marratti ......................... 86

     James Donahue ........................ 29      George Green .......................... 90

     Joseph Fulmer .......................... 32      William Grafton ...................... 96

     J. R. Seabrooks ........................ 34      J. C. McGee ............................. 99

     Tim Kaye ................................. 36      William Hannon ..................... 107

     Gus Groth ................................ 38      Thomas Lacey ........................ 126

     Charles Ohnsman .................... 38      Harry Pence ............................ 127

     Simon Burkhart ....................... 39




JERRY MARTZ, No. 7, Chairman.


                                                          No.                                                    No.

     Henry Shaw................................. 1      Thomas Greyson...................... 53

     Theodore Saladin ...................... 16      Lawrence Gideon.................... 55

     Harry Webb ............................... 21      James Crumley ....................... 56

     Russell Carmichal ..................... 23      Charles Sullivan ...................... 59

     H. C. Arnesberg ........................ 30      Eugene Dooling....................... 79

     James O’Hara ........................... 32      William Zimmer....................... 89

     William Madden ....................... 25      Fred. Snyder ............................ 90

     O. W. Gould .............................. 35      M. J. Schumucker ................... 86

     Gus Groth ................................. 38      H. Marritta ............................... 86

     Simon Burkhart ........................ 39      William Hannon .................... 107

     William Hack ........................... 44      Charles Langenbacher ........... 103

     Edward Zimmer ....................... 49      Peter Youngman ..................... 126

     Charles F. Craig ....................... 53





JOHN CORCORAN, No. 9, Chairman.


                                                          No.                                                    No.

     Martin Murray............................. 1      Ralph Barber .......................... 46

     John F. Tobin .............................. 2      James Crumley ....................... 56

     T. J. Conboy ............................... 3      William Wasmyer .................... 58

     G. W. Keyser .............................. 5      Charles Shipman ..................... 64

     J. W. Pritchett ............................. 6      A. G. Flecker ........................... 73

     Geo. Maley ................................. 8      Earnest Love ........................... 74

     John Mullen .............................. 10      O. B. Kelley ............................ 78

     D. J. McGrail. ........................... 13      F. H. Shane .............................. 81

     W. D. Hassner ........................... 16      Wes. Werling ........................... 83

     Wm. Finan ................................ 23      J. C. McGee ............................ 99

     Jerry O’Neill ............................ 24      John O’Brien ......................... 115

     W. E. Creighton ........................ 28      Gustave Sauerbrine ............... 124

     Henry Wentz ............................. 31      A. J. Keenan ......................... 127

     O. W. Gould ............................. 35      Peter Youngman .................... 126

     Joseph Schachern ..................... 36      F. N. Zihlman ........................ 137

     Oscar Companion ..................... 41




M. J. CLARKE, No. 2, Chairman.


                                                          No.                                                    No.

     Peter Beisel ................................ 1      Felix Kopp .............................. 52

     John Fitzimmons ....................... 3      Thomas Grayson ..................... 53

     John Dixon ................................ 5      William Floto .......................... 61

     Thomas Dignan ......................... 8      John Meehan ........................... 64

     Patrick Hoe................................. 9      Anthony Samstag .................... 69

     John Leonard ........................... 10      Harvey McSchaffery ............... 72

     W. S. Coen ............................... 13      Charles Herche ........................ 73

     Russell Carmichal .................... 23      J. S. Morris............................... 78

     Sylvester Hill ........................... 25      T. C. Devine.............................. 81

     Frank Sertell ............................ 31      William Zimmer ...................... 89

     Joseph Fulmer ......................... 32      Charles Langenbacher ........... 103

     Thomas Manderson ................. 36      Herbert Young ....................... 115

     Edward Armstrong .................. 41      Harry Pence ........................... 127

     William Hack .......................... 44      Felix Murray .......................... 146




To the officers and members of the Twenty-ninth Convention:

The following are rules drawn up by the committee to govern this Convention:

Morning session shall open at 8.30 A. M., and adjourn at 12 M. on Mondays, Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays; and shall open at 8 A. M. on Wednesday and Saturday, and adjourn at 10 A. M.

Afternoon sessions to remain as in the rules adopted by Mar­tins’ Ferry Convention. All the other rules adopted at the same Convention except Rule 9, to which shall be added the following: And no loan shall be granted to any delegate who has failed to pay a previous loan.


                                                                                           RALPH BARBER,

                                                                                           JAMES C. MCGEE,

                                                                                           WILLIAM FINAN,



Motion to adopt as read. Amended that the addition to Rule 9 does not apply to locked-out Locals.

Motion as amended was adopted.

Motion to appoint a committee of two to distribute the officers reports and the minutes of the sessions. Agreed to.

Delegates Kratz of No. 3, and Barry of No. 82, appointed.






Showing the number of members of each department, in each Local Union,

Total Membership, Number Employed and Unemployed,

as far as reported.





Trade Reports.


1 ......... Good.                             41 ........ Locked out.

2 ......... Fair                                 42 ........ Good.

3 ......... Can't Tell                        43 ........ On strike.

4 .........                                        44 ........ Good.

5 ........ Locked out.                     45 ........

6 ........ Locked out.                     46 ........ Looks O. K.

7 ........                                         47 ........ Good.

8 ........ Can't tell.                        48 ........ Not very good.

9 ........ Can't say.                        49 ........ Bright.

10 ........ Never better.                 50 ........ On strike.

11 ........ Very fair.                       52 ........ Don't know-looks poor

13 ........ Fine.                              53 ........ Bright.

14 ........ Uncertain.                     54 ........ Don't know.

15 ........ Looks good.                  55 ........ Bright.

16 ........ Fair.                               56 ........ Slow.

17 ........ Bright.                           58 ........ Good.

18 ........ Good.                            59 ........ Good.

20 ........                                       60 ........ Fair.

21 ........ Fair.                               61 ........ Good.

23 ........ Bright.                            62 ........ Good

24 ........ On strike.                      64 ........ Promising.

25 ........ Fair.                               65 ........ Good.

26 ........ Very Fine.                     68 ........ Fair.

27 ........                                       69 ........ Bright.

28 ........ Good.                            70 ........ Good.

29 ........ Good.                            71 ........ Fair.

30 ........ Good.                            72 ........ Bright.

31 ........ Good.                            73 ........ Can't Tell.

32 ........ Good.                            74 ........ Slack at present.

33 ........                                       77 ........ Bright.

34 ........ Good.                            78 ........ Good.

35 ........ Good.                            79 ........

36 ........                                       80 ........ Good.

38 ........ Bright.                           81 ........ Fair.

39 ........ Pretty Fair.                     82 ........

40 ........ Poor.                              83 ........ Fine.

84 ........ Good.                            103 ........

85 ........                                       104 ........ Good.

86 ........ Unable to state.             106 ........ Not very bright.

87 ........                                       107 ........ Fair.

89 ........ Good.                            111 ........ Don't look very bright.

90 ........                                       114 ........ Locked out.

91 ........                                       115 ........ Good.

93 ........                                       120 ........ Good.

94 ........                                       124 ........ Locked out.

95 ........ Fair.                               126 ........ Encouraging.

96 ........ Fair.                               127 ........ Can't tell.

98 ........ Bad.                               136 ........

99 ........ Not very good.              137 ........ Fair.

102 ........ Good.                          146 ........ Fair.





                                                    SEA ISLE CITY, July 13, 1906.


Convention called to order by President Rowe, in the chair.

Delegate Wingett, of Local Union No. 55, appointed at the door.

Roll called and Delegate Sylvia, of No. 17, recorded absent.

Minutes of the previous session read and approved.

                                                     CLEVELAND, OHIO, July 13, 1906.

Thos. W. Rowe, President of the A. F. G. W. Union, in Conven­tion assembled:

The Amalgamated Window Glass Workers of America, in convention assembled, send their fraternal greetings and best wishes for your continued success.

                                                     A. L. Falkner,



Motion to accept the communication and return fraternal greetings and best wishes. Carried.

The question of the companies posting up notices in the dif­ferent factories at the end of the fire, discharging all the mem­bers, was brought up by Delegate McCord, of Local Union No. 111, and asked for a decision on the matter. President Rowe decided that our Association does not recognize the arbitrary discharge rule, at the end of the fire, in any of the departments.

Motion that the Convention resolve into a Committee of the Whole and take up the amendment sheet. Carried.

Vice President Croke called the Committee of the Whole to order.


Proposition 5 by Local Union No. 44:


Strike out the words in Article 7, Section 4, “or Convention in session," to read: Article 7, Section 4, “Any Local Union entering upon a strike in the manner provided by the Constitu­tion shall be sustained, and receive the support of the order, but in no case shall they be carried on the relief roll longer than one year unless authorized by a vote of the trade, and no Local Union shall submit the name of any brother to the trade who is not engaged in a legalized strike to be placed on the relief roll.”

Motion to refer the matter to the Committee on Officers’ Re­port, as the President has a recommendation in his report bear­ing on this question.

Substitute for the whole, that we strike out one year and in­sert the rule adopted at the Toledo Convention. Substitute lost.

Motion to strike out one year, and incorporate into the amend­ment the rule adopted at the Toledo Convention.

Substitute for the whole, to strike out all reference to one year and insert that the trade alone shall have the authority to de­clare off any strike.

Motion to lay the whole matter on the table. Motion lost, by vote of 100 nays to 21 yeas.

Yea and nay vote called for on the vote on the Substitute for the Proposition of No. 44.


Before the vote was announced a motion was made to rise and report to Convention and ask privilege to sit again in the afternoon. Carried.

Chairman of the Committee of the Whole reported progress, and asked to be permitted to sit again. Report accepted.

Motion to take a recess until 1.30 P. M. Carried.


                                                    SEA ISLE CITY, July 13, 1906.


Convention called to order by President Rowe, in the chair.

Delegate Wassmyer appointed at the door.

Roll called and Delegate Downey, of No. 64, recorded absent.

Minutes of the previous meeting read and approved.

                                                    SEA ISLE CITY, July 13, 1906.


To the Officers and Members in Convention assembled:

Owing to a very severe attack of colic and nausea, I respect­fully ask to be excused for non-attendance of the morning ses­sion; also beg to be excused this afternoon.

                                                    JOHN SYLVIA, L. U. No. 17.


Motion to excuse. Carried.

Motion that if the sick Delegate, Wm. Conroy, is unable to attend the sessions of Convention, the Delegates of Local Union No. 8 will have the privilege to cast his vote. Carried.

The vote on the Substitute for Proposition 5, by Local Union No. 44, was announced as being carried by vote of 148 1/2 yeas to 36 1/2 nays.


Proposition 6 by Local Union No. 46:


Add to Article 23, new section: “The Assistant Secretary of this A. F. G. W. U. shall send to each Local Union, not later than May 10th of each year, a pamphlet containing all changes that are to be acted on at the next annual conference, and no changes shall be acted upon that do not comply with this Sec­tion, or have been previously approved by the trade according to rules governing the different departments.” Adopted.

Section 2. Strike out all of Article IV, Section 2, and insert: “It shall be the duty of the Vice President to perform all the duties of the President in case of his death, removal or resigna­tion of the officer; and he shall be elected for a term of one year.”

Action deferred until after action on the amendments of No. 81 and No. 36 has been disposed of.


Section 3. Amend Article IV, Section 5: Strike out $1,000 on the twelfth line and insert $1,200.

Action deferred until after the propositions of Local Union No. 36 and No. 81 are disposed of.


Proposition No. 7 by Local Union No. 53:


First. Article III, Section 1: Strike out all after the word “President” in the fifth line to the word “The” in the twenty­ fifth line. This strikes out all reference to the Executive Board, and makes the Executive Board a new and separate Article, which will be known as Article V.




Article V, Section 1: There shall be an Executive Board of 56 members, to be distributed as follows: Chimney Branch, 5; Paste Mould Branch, 5; Shade and Globe Branch, 5; Machine Jar and Bottle Branch, 5; Mould Making Branch, 5; Press Branch, 5 (one of whom shall represent the Opalescent Branch); Iron Mould Branch, 5 (one of whom shall represent the Opales­cent Branch); Caster Place Branch, 5 (one of whom shall rep­resent the Tube Workers); White Liner Branch, 3; Punch Tumbler and Stem Ware Branch, 3; Electric Bulb Branch, 3; Cutting Branch, 3 (one of whom shall represent the Bar Ware Workers); Engravers’ Branch, 1; Insulator Branch, 1; Stop­pering Branch, 1; Bottle Branch, 1.

Section 12 of Article IV shall be Section 2.

Section 10 of Article IV shall be Section 3.

Section 11 of Article IV shall be Section 4.

Section 13 of Article IV shall be Section 5.

Section 14 of Article IV shall be Section 6.

Motion to refer the matter to the different Trade Committees and they take the question up and report back to the Committee of the Whole as soon as possible. Carried.

Motion that Proposition 13, by Local Union No. 124, be also referred to the Chimney Committee. Carried.

Motion to reconsider the vote taken on the Substitute for Proposition 5 by Local Union No. 44. Carried.

Yea and nay vote called for, and result as follows:

Yea — John F. Kennedy, Walter Mathers, Henry Shaw, Peter Beisel, Martin Joyce, J. F. Tobin, Joseph Ingram, John Arm­strong, C. A. Schroth, T. J. Conboy, Walter Faux, John Fitz­simmons, J. Agnew, Daniel Kratz, Henry Judge, John Dixon, Frank Lauer, Geo. W. Keyser, J. W. Pritchett, Wm. Cottingham, Thomas Dignan, George Maley, Wm. Conroy, Roy Cope­land, Henry Flynn, Harry Cook, Wm. S. Coen, D. J. McGrail, Corwin Long, Philip Cassidy, James H. Grady, Wm. Finan, Russell Carmichael, Jerry O’Neil, Sylvester Hill, Wm. E. Creigh­ton, James Donahue, A. C. Arnesberg, Henry Wentz, Joseph Fulmer, James O’Hara, Thomas Powers, J. R. Seabrooks, James Dunfee, Oliver W. Gould, Joseph Schachern, Thos. Mander­son, Tim Kaye, John M. Cauley, Gustave Groth, C. F. Ohnsman, Simon Burkhart, Edward Armstrong, Joseph Stritt, Oscar Com­panion, Harry Thompkinson, Wm. Hack, Charles Nold, John Englehart, Thomas Grayson, P. J. Meagher, Joseph Canty, Chas. A. Wingett, Lawrence Gideon, James A. Crumley, Charles Sul­livan, John Lafferty, Wm. Floto, Patrick Fallon, John Kuter, John Meehan, Marcus Kenny, Jacob Engle, James Hickey, George Flecker, Charles Hersche, Jno. J. Rock, Oscar Coffman, O. B. Kelley, J. S. Morris, John Richardson, Charles Kindsvatter, Richard Lanahan, Wm. Frank, Fred. Shane, David Reaster, Thos. C. Devine, Matt Hall, William Barry, Wess Werling, Harry Thompson, Harry Marratti, Michael J. Schmucker, Fred. Snyder, James Welch, Jacob Tainor, Charles Langenbacher, John P. McCullough, William Hannon, H. Bushager, Samuel Mc­Cord, John Hester, John O’Brien, Herbert Young, Thomas Lacey, Peter Youngman.

Nay — Martin Murray, M. J. Clarke, Paul Martin, Jerry Martz, Frank B. Lyons, Henry Leiner, John Corcoran, Patrick Hoe, James Haveron, John Leonard, Albert Landry, W. D. Hassner, Theo. Saladin, Harry Webb, Patrick Kennedy, James Ray, Joseph O’Malley, George Simpson, Frank Sertell, Ralph Barber, Jr., M. J. Kane, Frank Kiesler, Edward Zimmer, F. S. Kopp, D. J. Murphy, William Wasmyer, Miles Umphries, Geo. W. Brown, Anthony Samstag, John H. Alker, Earnest Love, James A. Kelly, Eugene Dooling, William Zimmer, George Green, William Grafton, George Conaway, Gustave Sourbrine, Fred N. Zihlman, Felix Murray.

Substitute adopted by vote of yeas, 125 3-7; nays, 41 1/2.



Report of National Auditing Committee.



                                                    TOLEDO, OHIO, July 7, 1906.


To the Officers and Delegates of the Twenty-ninth Convention assembled:


BROTHERS: — We, your committee elected to audit the books of our National Officers, beg leave to state that we have attended to that duty and found same in good condition, and respectfully submit the following report:






L. U.                                            L.U.

5 .......................$ 589 20             55 ......................... $ 0 42

6 ......................    977 07             56 .........................   2 24

8 ......................   191 16              57......................... 240 77

9 ......................       1 02              59 .........................      32

11 ......................   15 15              60 .........................   2 52

12 ......................   11 51              62 ......................... 105 68

13 ......................    1 21               63 .........................   3 74

14 ......................    7 06               68 .........................   6 99

18 ......................    6 12              70 .........................   1 97

20 ......................    9 00              71 .........................      32

23 ......................   26 13             73 .........................   3 00

25 ......................        21             75 .........................   7 24

27 ......................        77             78 .........................   4 11

28 ......................        81             82 .........................   9 00

31 ......................     7 22             83 .........................   6 28

33 ......................    18 90             86 .........................     48

34 ......................    16 95             87 ......................... 11 51

35 ......................     1 00             93 ......................... 40 38

36 ......................   14 11             94 ......................... 10 82

39 ......................   38 07             95 .........................   7 42

40 ......................     2 52             98 .........................   7 67

41 ...................... 949 38             99 .........................   1 07

42 ......................   26 76             103 ....................... 198 04

43 ......................        31             111 ....................... 226 01

45 ......................   13 45             114 ....................... 176 56

47 ......................        31             120 ........................ 23 74

50 ...................... 269 92             126 .......................   2 08

52 ......................   14 16             127 ....................... 496 74

54 ......................        50             136 ....................... 43 07




Researcher notes:p. I-XII;XV-XVI,79,83,99,100-103,114,116,
Supplemental information:Local Union 23 was Hemingray Local Union 24 was Diamond Flint Glass Co.
Researcher:Bob Stahr
Date completed:October 26, 2024 by: Bob Stahr;