Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
p. 5, col. 4
Hemingray Glass Company Had a Close
Fire Originated Similar To the One That
Once Before Did Great Damage.
A Second One.
Yestrday morning Hemingray's glass works in Industry had a close call from destruction by fire. Sparks from a Big Four switch engine ignited a pile of old sacks which were lying close to the side of the mixing room. The sacks are very combustible and the flames once started spread with great rapidity and communicated to the wall of the mixing room, which is a frame structure. The factory force laid two lines of hose and had the flames extinguished before the fire department, which had been summoned, arrived.
Yesterday afternoon a double frame house on Eleventh street, near Hoyt avenue, owned and occupied by Joseph Sherry, Will Evans and their families, was discovered to be on fire. Ray Bradburn, a neighbor living next door, made the discovery and turned in the alarm. No one was at home in the house at the time of the fire. The doors were burst open and the furniture saved. The house was damaged to the extent of about two hundred dollars. The origin of the blaze is a mystery.