Publication: The Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
p. 5, col. 6-7
Yesterday marked the day when many of Muncies extensive industries paid their employes. $85,000 dollars in cold hard cash was distributed to the men and last night the merchants stated that business had been unusually brisk, thus demonstrating that the major portion of this large sum was spent for the various necessaries of livelihood. The names of the factories which paid yesterday are as follows: Port's glass works, Muncie glass factory, Muncie pulp mill, Ball Bros.' glass factory. J. C. Wood & Co., lumber yard, Handy washer factory, R. M. Ball's washing machine factory, Whitely malleable iron and castings company, Over's window glass factory, J. H. Smith & Co.'s bent wood works, Muncie wheel works. Muncie iron and steel works, Hemingray's glass factory. Several of the above factories also have pay day next Monday. The sums will be paid out from the local banks in about the following sums: Delaware National, $40,000; Union National, $25,000; Merchants' National, $20,000.