[Trade Journal]
Publication: American Flint
Toledo, OH, United States
vol. 6, no. 6, p. 38, col. 1-2
By Cyrus Herron.
Conditions have not changed at the Hemingray Glass Co. here. We are still working a division of time. The shipments of insulators the past month has been exceptionally good and prospects for the future are encouraging.
The trade unionists of Muncie are becoming interested in the co-operative store movement which is spreading throughout the state. Committees of the various unions of the city have been holding meetings every Sunday the past several weeks, discussing the proposition, with a view of arranging plans for a mass meeting, when Mr. Philips, manager of the Indianapolis store, and other speakers will be present and explain the proposition in detail, and assist the workers interested in the movement to install a branch store in Muncie. The writer was a delegate to the convention held in Indianapolis last December, which was attended by delegates representing every local union of all labor organizations in the state, about nine hundred delegates being present. This proposition was discussed thoroughly and adopted unanimously. It has been indorsed by the State Federation of Labor and approved by most prominent labor officials of the state. It is being proven a success in several cities of the state. Muncie will fall in line as we know there are enough active union men in this city that see the wisdom of this movement, and are ready to grasp the opportunity to better their conditions and those of their fellow workers.
Martin Erlenbach, in answer to the call of the Cupid, is anticipating a trip to Terre Haute at Easter time. The Muncie girls are just wild over Dutch. They just can't resist that winning smile of his, and he's some sport when it comes to buying ice cream and candy. He knows which is best and the best places to go. He was seen piloting Robert Brady, another genial prospective, around the various parlors of the city. The experience was not to Bob's liking, for he has been mad at Dutch ever since, in fact, accuses Dutch of trying to poison him.
Brother Dicko' Bird was seen plowing his farm two weeks ago. What was thought to be a robin following Brother Bird as he turned the clods, proved, on closer observation to be Dady Arnold, who was gathering fishing worms. This old gent has been out fishing several times this spring, and has made some wonderful catches. He has beaten Brothers Hice, Love and other fisherman to it. Dady says "the early bird gets the worm."
Brother Chas. Patterson was off sick one week, but has returned to work, and at present is feeling, he says, mighty fitting. Continue the same, Patty, as we want to keep your smiling face in our midst.
At our last regular meeting, Brother A. H. Barth, financial secretary of our Local, was nominated as national auditor. Bro. Barth is a competant accountant and if elected would make a capable member of that Committee. Hoping better times are in store for the trade in general, I will close for this time.