Publication: The Muncie Morning News
Muncie, IN, United States
p. 4, col. 5
Seem to Be an Empidemic of
Trouble in Glass Factories.
Port's Fruit Jar Works the Last
to be Troubled — Other
Strike News.
There seems to be an epidemic of strikes among the glass factory boys in Muncie, the first having been introduced ten days ago with the strike at the Hemingray factory, when the carry-out boys quit on a demand for an increase in wages. This trouble was settled a week later, and the strikers returned to work after inconveniencing the firm and the other employes.
The next trouble of a similar nature occurred at Ball Bros. factory No. 2, where the seventy-five boys employed on the three tanks quit work on a strike because the firm refused to discharge some colored boys who were working with the whites at the same business. This strike looked ridiculous on the face of it, for the strikers are alleged to have been working with the colored boys for the last two years, and why the should suddenly refuse to work in their company was a mystery. They quit work Monday night, however, and are still out, with a few exceptions. It was believed that the boys would return to work yesterday morning, but they did not show up in the number expected. The factory has been kept working, however, by the employment of other men and boys to do the work, but things generally have been greatly inconvenienced. Last evening at 5 o'clock four of the strikers reported for work, and the indications are that forty more of them will be ready for work this morning. It is alleged that the firm has agreed to discharge some of the colored boys or all of them in case the strikers returned.
The latest trouble of the same character occurred yesterday at the Port Fruit Jar factory, where the boys quit work after being refused an increase of fifteen cents per day on their wages. The fifty boys quit work durning the forenoon, and have not yet returned to their posts, while the firm is experiencing the same difficulties that have existed at the other factories, most of the shops being off last evening.