[Trade Journal]
Publication: American Flint
Toledo, OH, United States
vol. 8, no. 1, col. 2,1
By Walt Claspell.
After a run of three weeks the Hemingray Glass Co. had to stop work on account of the boys going on strike. They want 20c per hour straight time, instead of the present wage of $1.44 per day, and a bonus of $2.00 for working a full week. They also desire the discharge of the superintendent. I don't think it would hurt the feelings of any of the men if he would get fired. The boys seem very determined in their stand, and no doubt will either get what they want or the factory will close. The laborers refuse to work in their places. The brothers seem to be about equally divided in theiropinion as to whether the boys are doing right or wrong.
The company has another tank ready to light and will start it as soon as the trouble is settled, which we hope will be before this article is read by the brothers.
At our last meeting the following officers were installed: President, Wm. Jenkins; vice-president, Fred Gilter; corresponding secretary, Cyrus Herron; secretary-treasurer, A. H. Barth; trustees, L. Carmichael, R. Carmichael, H. Hickman; inspector, Wm. Casey; inside guard, J. Ross; auditing committee, S. Werkle, C. Knecht; press secretary, Walt Claspell.
The following is told by some one. If true or not I can't say: Brother Elliot met Brother Fenska in town one Saturday afternoon. Brother Fenska asked Brother Elliot to loan him a quarter. "What's the matter with you?" said Elliot, "I just saw you counting a handful of money." "Yes, I know you did, but I only have $9.75 and I want to put $10 in the bank." "Nothing doing," growled Elliot, and he walked down the street, growling to himself because he had no dope that would make a tight-wad loosen up.