[Trade Journal]
Publication: American Flint
Toledo, OH, United States
vol. 8, no. 11, p. 36, col. 1-2
By Walt Claspell.
Well, brothers, by the time this article is printed vacation for Local Union No. 23 will be over and the company will have two tanks runing [sic] running to their full capacity. We had no ball game this year, but had two big parties. Two parties, because only one tank was down at one time. I was in attendance at the last party, and it was some party, almost as orderly as one would expect on Sunday school picnics.
When it comes to keeping things in order and subduing rowdyism and disorder by conduct. Brother Carmicheal can give the Muncie police cards and spades and beat them a block. (Let the Muncie police take note). Brother Mike is 5 feet 10 1/2 inches, weighs 170 pounds, rawboned and well muscled and will step aside for nothing or nobody when it comes to doing his duty.
Brother Ed Jones was head cook and was assisted by Brother Grover Sliger. Turtle soup was served and it was some soup, believe me.
Brother Leo Wehrle was official keg tapper. The beer was furnished by Pete Everson, former member of Local Union No. 23, and by Brown & Shaw.
Newt Moppin, night boss at Hemingray's, was there. He is a former Muncie police officer and very popular with the members of Local Union No. 23.
About 4:30 p. m. the singing hoop of the keg was reached. Brother Bob Brady acted as director, and we had some old time songs. Brother Luke Wilmoth was the soloist. He expects to be a finished singer some day, and we expect him to be finished any day. (His presser bought a big hammer).
We were surprised by a former brother who is now known as Sergt. Chas. Lang, Co. B, 17th U. S. Inf. Brother Lang learned the trade at Hemingray's, but came to the conclusion that he would make a better soldier than a glass worker. He enlisted in 1907 in the infantry branch of the service. He re-enlisted after his first term was up and is now serving his second term. He is home on a 30-day furlough and expects to leave September 12. He was stationed at Ft. Oglethorpe, Ga., but don't know exactly where he will be called when his furlough is up. Brother Lang served in Alaska. Also saw active service with Gen. Pershing, being with the latter during his stay in Mexico. He has attained the rank of sergeant and will be sergeant major when his furlough is up. He is also a sharp shooter. His salary was $12.75 per month, and is now $63.00. Owing to his bashfulness I could get no more information from him. He expects to go to France.
Those who enjoyed the picnic which took place by the Parkemore bridge on White river, are as follows: Newt. Moppin, Louie Green, H. Hickman, B. Brady, L. Louck, Wm. Bird, M. Carmichael, Ed Jones, Leo Wehrle, G. Sliger, J. Golden, P. Earley. B. Cecil, J. Lang, G. Neal, J. Windom, B. Gill, J. Harvey, L. Wilmoth, Al. Murray, E. Knicht, C. Casey, G. Taylor, Jr., E. Fuller, P. Miller, L. Erlenbaugh, L. Sullivan, Walt Claspell, photographer, and correspondent, M. Erlenbaugh.