Publication: The Kentucky Post
Covington, KY, United States
vol. 5, no. 18, p. 2, col. 1
Funeral Services at Dixie
Highway Home
Funeral services for Mrs. Mary Hemingray Shinkle, 81, widow of Bradford Shinkle, late Covington capitalist, and mother of A. Clifford Shinkle, chairman of the Board of Directors of the Central Trust Co., Cincinnati, and president of the Cincinnati and Covington Bridge Co., were held Monday, 3 p.m., from her home on the Dixie Highway, near Erlanger. She was buried in Highland Cemetery.
Mrs. Shinkle died Saturday, 9:30 p.m., after an illness of several weeks. Mrs. Shinkle was known chiefly for her benefactions. She contributed liberally to many charities, the chief of which were the Covington Protestant Children's Home and the Salvation Army.
She was the daughter of R. W. Hemingray, who was president of Hemingray Glass Works, Covington. After his death the plant was moved to Muncie, Ind.
Mrs. Shinkle is survived by two sons, A. Clifford, 1811 Madison-rd., Cincinnati, and Bradford, St. Louis, Mo., and three grandchildren.