[Trade Journal]
Publication: American Flint
Toledo, OH, United States
vol. 9, no. 7, p. 31-32, col. 2,1
By J. W. Claspell.
One tank was shut down at the Hemingray Co. when 16 gatherers got disgusted and quit their jobs on account of the seeming slowness of the conferees and the company to come to an agreement over a wage question.
Some of the brothers are now dividing time on the one tank now in operation.
One furnace is being prepared for a new automatic gatherer and press which the company expects to install soon.
Noticing the fact that Local Union No. 23 had no list of brothers in the service, and wanting the trade to know we're not slackers, I'll give the list here. I can't give their addresses. Volunteers in army: Clarence Hunt, Ralph Newhouse, Ray Goodpastor, Preston Cox, Luke Wilmoth and Oscar Morrison; volunteer in navy, George Jetmore. This list did not appear in the last issue of the Flint.
The brothers in the service are all kept in good standing by the local. We also have a tobacco fund for the boys in the service. When we pay our assessments we find the little red box on the job and drop our pennies (and larger coins if we wish) in the slot. Many smokes are bought and sent to the boys in this manner.
President Clarke made two visits to Muncie to meet with our conferees and Mr. Hemingray to settle the wage question for the gatherers. Much good was accomplished by his being here. One good term deserves another. Come again, Brother William.
One of the largest funerals ever held in Muncie was over the remains of our former night boss, Newton Moppin, who died in camp in South Carolina of pneumonia two weeks after enlisting in the coast artillery. Mr. Moppin was very popular with the brothers.
Brother Ed Jones is back on the job after a short stay in Martinsville, where he took treatment for rheumatism.
Brother Fred Giltner is still confined to his home by rheumatism.
Brother Andrew Gibson is again working at the trade after being away from it for about fourteen years.