[Trade Journal]
Publication: American Flint
Toledo, OH, United States
vol. 9, no. 8, p. 48, col. 2
By J. W. Claspell.
Conditions are much the same at the Hemingray Glass Co. It is pretty hot, but the brothers are sticking close to their jobs and the company is getting a better output than they ever have for this time of the year.
A new gas producer house will be erected this summer and producers built which will furnish gas for all three furnaces, thus saving fuel and labor.
The summer stop question hasn't been settled yet, but we understand that the management would like two months.
The Red Cross drive is on and the brothers are giving as much as possible.
Brother Cy Herron made a four-minute speech at the factory in the interest of the Red Cross. He is some four-minute man, believe me, and we predict a great future for him.
Brother Ray Carmicheal leaves for Columbus, Ohio, May 22. He'll be in the field artillery. He is the eighth brother from Local Union No. 23 that has joined the colors.