[Trade Journal]
Publication: Brick and Clay Record
Chicago, IL, United States
vol. 57, no. 3, p. 227, col. 1
Potteries Have Emplye's Outings
This is the day of employe's outings at the different potteries in the Trenton, N. J., district, and while some of the affairs have been "run off," others are now in the progress of final preparation of plans. Employes of the Star Porcelain Co., specializing in the production of electrical porcelain goods, had a fine outing at Springdale Park, July 24. The party was taken to the grounds from the Yardville traction line in motor trucks. Following a delightful dinner at 12 o'clock, and fine dancing program, the afternoon was given over to sports and frolics. There was a fat ladies' race, fat men's race, men's sack race, boy's sack race, 50 yd. dash, potato race for boy's and girls, pie-eating contest, and numerous other "doings" of this character. The day was voted as one grand success.