[Trade Journal]
Publication: American Flint
Toledo, OH, United States
vol. 9, no. 11, p. 37, col. 1-2
By J. W. Claspell.
Fire will be lighted in the No. 4 tank at the Hemingray Glass Co. with the expectation of going to work Tuesday after Labor Day. The new producers will be ready about. October 1st, at which time the company expects to start one and perhaps two additional tanks. Three or four of the new automatic machines will be put in operation at that time.
The Alliance for Labor and Democracy has been busy for the past month making preparations for Labor Day and we expect to celebrate that day in Muncie as it has never been celebrated in Muncie for years past. They will try and secure for a speaker one of three great men, James W. Gerard, Theodore Roosevelt or a very prominent Frenchman whose name I failed to learn.
Union Man or Card Man, Which?
I heard the remark that there were too many card men and not enough union men in organized labor, and I'm sorry to have to believe that it is partially true. I may be a poor judge of human nature or I may be a poor observer, but there are surely two distinct classes of men in nearly every local union, viz., the men who attend meetings, pay dues and assessments when due, conscientiously obey the working rules and by- laws of the organization, make an honest effort to secure the different kinds of union made goods and do everything they can to help build up their organization and help their fellow workers.
On the other hand, there are the fellows who attend meetings sometimes, the said sometimes becoming less frequent as time goes on. Some members attend the meetings when there is no place else to go, some would rather go to their club or lodge room and play poker, some attend as long as they are holding office, and if you elect some one in their place then they quit coming unless some special cause brings them out. Some attend when they have sick benefits coming or think they ought to have some, and come to meeting to make sure of getting them. They get careless about the union label and buy scab goods as quick, draw a long face when asked to help a brother in distress, or fail to attend committee meetings, and other things too numerous to mention. Which class do you belong to, brother?
These facts are indisputable, and the quicker the union (?) slacker awakens to the fact that he is injuring himself and all the rest of the working people, organized and unorganized, the better off we will all be. For "united we stand or divided we fall." So choose today, brother, whom you will follow, for today is the day of our salvation.